Metropolitan Archdiocese of


Mexico Mexico


Continent: North America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Metropolitan Archdiocese Metr. Archdiocese

Name: Antequera / Antequera de Oaxaca / Oaxaca / Antequeren(sis) (Latin)

Suffragan Sees: Puerto Escondido, Tehuantepec, Tuxtepec, Huautla, Mixes

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Contact Info

Address: Leona Vicario 109, Plazuela del Carmen Alto, Centro, Apartado 31, 68000 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax., Mexico

Phone: (951) 5164.822, 5165.580

Papal Visits

Present Prelates

Metropolitan Archbishop (2018.02.10 – ...):Archbishop Pedro Vázquez Villalobos (74)Archbishop Pedro Vázquez Villalobos (74)
Auxiliary Bishop (2024.06.21 – ...):Bishop Luis Alfonso Tut Tun (46)Bishop Luis Alfonso Tut Tun (46)

Titular Bishop of Arba


Metropolitan Archbishops of Antequera (Roman Rite)

Archbishop Pedro Vázquez Villalobos (74)Archbishop Pedro Vázquez Villalobos (74)
(2018.02.10 – ...)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico)

Domine tu scis qua amo te

Born:1950.09.16 (Huisquilco, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1975.04.15
Consecrated Bishop:2013.01.30

Priest of San Juan de los Lagos (Mexico) (1975.04.15 – 2012.10.31)

Bishop of Puerto Escondido (Mexico) (2012.10.31 – 2018.02.10)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (2018.02.10 – ...)

Archbishop José Luis Chávez Botello (83)Archbishop José Luis Chávez Botello (83)
(2003.11.08 – 2018.02.10)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Antequera (Mexico)

Servus Christi

Born:1941.02.08 (Tototlán, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1969.12.08
Consecrated Bishop:1997.03.19

Priest of Guadalajara (Mexico) (1969.12.08 – 1997.02.21)

Titular Bishop of Cova (1997.02.21 – 2001.07.16)

Auxiliary Bishop of Guadalajara (Mexico) (1997.02.21 – 2001.07.16)

Bishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Mexico) (2001.07.16 – 2003.11.08)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (2003.11.08 – 2018.02.10)

Archbishop Héctor González Martínez (85)Archbishop Héctor González Martínez (85)
(1993.10.04 – 2003.02.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Durango (Mexico)

Scio cui credidi

Born:1939.03.28 (Miguel Auza, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1963.12.01
Consecrated Bishop:1982.03.24

Priest of Durango (Mexico) (1963.12.01 – 1982.02.09)

Bishop of Campeche (Mexico) (1982.02.09 – 1988.02.04)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1988.02.04 – 1993.10.04)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1993.10.04 – 2003.02.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Durango (Mexico) (2003.02.11 – 2014.09.26)

Archbishop Bartolomé Carrasco Briseño
(1976.06.11 – 1993.10.04)

Amo a la iglesia

Born:1918.08.18 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1945.03.31
Consecrated Bishop:1963.12.17
Died:1999.01.07 († 80)

Bishop of Huejutla (Mexico) (1963.08.19 – 1967.05.18)

Titular Bishop of Claterna (1967.05.18 – 1971.06.11)

Auxiliary Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1967.05.18 – 1971.06.11)

Bishop of Tapachula (Mexico) (1971.06.11 – 1976.06.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1976.06.11 – 1993.10.04)

Archbishop Ernesto Corripio Ahumada (later Cardinal)
(1967.07.25 – 1976.03.08)

Nuestro vivir es Cristo

Born:1919.06.29 (Tampico, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1942.10.15
Consecrated Bishop:1953.03.19
Created Cardinal:1979.06.30
Died:2008.04.10 (La Noria, Mexico † 88)

Priest of Ciudad Victoria–Tamaulipas (Mexico) (1942.10.15 – 1952.12.27)

Titular Bishop of Zapara (1952.12.27 – 1956.02.25)

Bishop of Ciudad Victoria–Tamaulipas (Mexico) (1956.02.25 – 1958.02.25)

Bishop of Tampico (Mexico) (1958.02.25 – 1967.07.25)

President of Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (C.E.M.) (1967 – 1973)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1967.07.25 – 1976.03.08)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Puebla de los Ángeles (Mexico) (1976.03.08 – 1977.07.19)

Metropolitan Archbishop of México (Mexico) (1977.07.19 – 1994.09.29)

Cardinal-Priest of Immacolata al Tiburtino (1979.06.30 – 2008.04.10)

President of Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (C.E.M.) (1980 – 1982)

Archbishop Fortino Gómez León
(1942.11.21 – 1967.07.25)

Born:1890.08.11 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1913.10.30
Consecrated Bishop:1943.02.24
Died:1986.06.13 († 95)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1942.11.21 – 1967.07.25)

Titular Archbishop of Ceramus (1967.07.25 – 1970.12.31)

Archbishop José Othón Núñez y Zárate
(1922.05.18 – 1941.03.05)

Born:1867.07.02 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1892.12.19
Consecrated Bishop:1909.07.04
Died:1941.03.05 († 73)

Bishop of Zamora (Mexico) (1909.03.22 – 1922.03.17)

Titular Archbishop of Cabassa (1922.03.17 – 1922.05.18)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1922.03.17 – 1922.05.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1922.05.18 – 1941.03.05)

Archbishop Eulogio Gregorio Clemente Gillow y Zavalza
(1891.06.23 – 1922.05.18)

Born:1841.03.11 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1865.12.17
Consecrated Bishop:1887.07.31
Died:1922.05.18 († 81)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1887.05.23 – 1891.06.23)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1891.06.23 – 1922.05.18)

Bishops of Antequera (Roman Rite)

Bishop Eulogio Gregorio Clemente Gillow y Zavalza (later Archbishop)
(1887.05.23 – 1891.06.23)

(see above)

Bishop Vicente Fermín Márquez y Carrizosa
(1868.06.22 – 1887.01.01)

Born:1811.07.06 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1835.09.19
Consecrated Bishop:1868.12.21
Died:1887.01.01 († 75)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1868.06.22 – 1887.01.01)

Bishop José María Covarrubias y Mejía
(1861.07.22 – 1867.12.25)

Born:1826.01.26 (Querétaro, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1849.01.27
Consecrated Bishop:1861.07.28
Died:1867.12.25 († 41)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1861.07.22 – 1867.12.25)

Bishop José Agustín Domínguez y Díaz
(1854.04.11 – 1859.07.25)

Ordained Priest:1814.09.24
Consecrated Bishop:1854.08.07
Died:1859.07.25 († 62)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1854.04.11 – 1859.07.25)

Bishop Antonio Mantecón e Ibáñez
(1844.01.25 – 1852.02.11)

Born:1784.01.05 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1821.03.04
Consecrated Bishop:1844.06.09
Died:1852.02.11 († 68)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1844.01.25 – 1852.02.11)

Bishop Angel Mariano de Morales y Jasso
(1841.03.01 – 1843.03.27)

Born:1784.09.05 (Mexico)
Consecrated Bishop:1833.11.18
Died:1843.03.27 († 58)

Bishop of Sonora (Mexico) (1832.07.02 – 1834)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1841.03.01 – 1843.03.27)

Bishop Jose Epigmenio Villanueva y Gomez de Eguiarreta
(1839.12.23 – 1840.05.13)

Born:1792.03.24 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1815.04.16
Died:1840.05.13 († 48)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1839.12.23 – 1840.05.13)

Bishop Manuel Isidoro Perez Sánchez
(1819.06.04 – 1837.12.27)

Born:1774.04.06 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1820
Died:1840 († 66)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1819.06.04 – 1837.12.27)

Bishop Antonio Bergosa y Jordán (later Archbishop)
(1801.02.23 – 1817.11.15)

Born:1748.02.21 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1802.04.04
Died:1819.07.18 († 71)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1801.02.23 – 1817.11.15)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Tarragona (Spain) (1817.11.15 – 1819.07.18)

Bishop Gregorio Jose de Omaña y Sotomayor
(1792.09.24 – 1797.10.11)

Consecrated Bishop:1793.02.24
Died:1797.10.11 († 58)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1792.09.24 – 1797.10.11)

Bishop José Gregorio Alonso de Ortigosa
(1775.05.29 – 1793.01.31)

Born:1720.05.28 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1775.12.17
Died:1797.08.27 († 77)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1775.05.29 – 1793.01.31)

Bishop Miguel Anselmo Álvarez de Abreu y Valdéz
(1765.04.22 – 1774.07.25)

Born:1711 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1751.06.20
Died:1774.07.25 († 62)

Titular Bishop of Cisamus (1749.09.22 – 1765.04.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Tlaxcala (Mexico) (1749.09.22 – 1765.04.22)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1765.04.22 – 1774.07.25)

Bishop Buenaventura Blanco y Elguero
(1753.09.26 – 1764.05.12)

Born:1696.07.01 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1754.10.20
Died:1764.05.12 († 67)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1753.09.26 – 1764.05.12)

Bishop Diego Felipe Gómez de Angulo
(1744.09.28 – 1752.07.21)

Born:1676.05.11 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1745.09.12
Died:1752.07.21 († 76)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1744.09.28 – 1752.07.21)

Bishop Tomás Montaño y Aarón
(1737.06.23 – 1742.10.24)

Born:1683.03.07 (Mexico)
Consecrated Bishop:1738.09.24
Died:1742.10.24 († 59)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1737.06.23 – 1742.10.24)

Bishop Francisco de Santiago y Calderón, O. de M.
(1729.07.06 – 1736.10.13)

Born:1669.02.05 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1730.06.11
Died:1736.10.13 († 67)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1729.07.06 – 1736.10.13)

Bishop Angel de Maldonado, O. Cist.
(1700.06.21 – 1728.04.17)

Born:1660 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1701.01.02
Died:1728.04.17 († 67)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1700.06.21 – 1728.04.17)

Bishop Manuel Plácido de Quirós de Porras, O.S.B.
(1698.04.07 – 1699.03.09)

Born:1651 (Spain)
Died:1699.03.09 († 47)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1698.04.07 – 1699.03.09)

Bishop Isidoro Sariñana y Medina Cuenca
(1683 – 1696.11.10)

Born:1631.05.15 (Mexico)
Consecrated Bishop:1684.08.24
Died:1696.11.10 († 65)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1683 – 1696.11.10)

Bishop Nicolás Ortiz del Puerto y Colmenares Salgado
(1679.02.07 – 1681.08.13)


Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1679.02.07 – 1681.08.13)

Bishop Tomás de Monterroso, O.P.
(1664.06.23 – 1678.01.26)


Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1664.06.23 – 1678.01.26)

Bishop Juan Alonso de Cuevas y Davaols (later Archbishop)
(1658.01.19 – 1664.04.28)

Born:1590.11.25 (Mexico)
Consecrated Bishop:1658
Died:1665.09.02 († 74)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1658.01.19 – 1664.04.28)

Metropolitan Archbishop of México (Mexico) (1664.04.28 – 1665.09.02)

Bishop Francisco Diego Díaz de Quintanilla y de Hevía y Valdés, O.S.B.
(1653.07.21 – 1656.12.06)

Consecrated Bishop:1639.12.27
Died:1656.12.06 († 69)

Bishop of Durango (Mexico) (1639.08.08 – 1653.07.21)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1653.07.21 – 1656.12.06)

Bishop Bartolomé de Benavente y Benavides
(1639.06.27 – 1652.07.26)

Born:1594.08.24 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1640
Died:1652.07.26 († 57)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1639.06.27 – 1652.07.26)

Bishop Leonel de Cervantes y Caravajal
(1636.02.18 – 1637)

Consecrated Bishop:1622.07.15

Bishop of Santa Marta (Colombia) (1621.03.17 – 1625.12.01)

Bishop of Santiago (Cuba) (1625.12.01 – 1629.12.17)

Bishop of Guadalajara (Mexico) (1629.12.17 – 1636.02.18)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1636.02.18 – 1637)

Bishop Juan Bartolome de Bohórquez e Hinojosa, O.P.
(1617.11.13 – 1633.09)

Born:1542.08.24 (Mexico)
Died:1633.09 († 91)

Bishop of Coro (Venezuela) (1611.07.17 – 1617.11.13)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1617.11.13 – 1633.09)

Bishop Juan de Cervantes
(1608.05.28 – 1614.09.13)

Born:1553.06.24 (Mexico)
Consecrated Bishop:1608
Died:1614.09.13 († 61)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1608.05.28 – 1614.09.13)

Bishop Baltazar de Covarrubias y Múñoz, O.E.S.A.
(1605.06.06 – 1608.02.04)

Born: (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1601

Bishop of Paraguay (Paraguay) (1601 – 1603.01.13)

Bishop of Nueva Caceres (Philippines) (1603.01.13 – 1605.06.06)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1605.06.06 – 1608.02.04)

Bishop of Michoacán (Mexico) (1608.02.04 – 1622.07.22)

Bishop Bartolomé de Ledesma, O.P.
(1583.06.03 – 1604.02.16)

Consecrated Bishop:1584

Bishop of Panamá (Panama) (1580.10.20 – 1583.06.03)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1583.06.03 – 1604.02.16)

Bishop Bernardo de Albuquerque, O.P.
(1561.06.27 – 1579.07.23)

Consecrated Bishop:1562.11.08

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1561.06.27 – 1579.07.23)

Bishop Juan Lopez de Zárate
(1535.06.21 – 1555.09.10)

Born:1490.06.24 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1537.04.08
Died:1555.09.10 († 65)

Bishop of Antequera (Mexico) (1535.06.21 – 1555.09.10)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Puerto Escondido (↙), Huajuapan de León (↖), Huautla (↑), Tuxtepec (↗), Mixes (→), Tehuantepec (↘)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 34,000 km²

Population: 1,474,000 Catholics (78.8% of 1,871,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 123 parishes

Personnel: 175 priests (138 diocesan, 37 religious), 18 deacons, 191 religious (43 brothers, 148 sisters), 31 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2024.10.01

© 2024
