Catholic Dioceses


United Republic of Tanzania (Tanzania)

Ecclesiastical Provinces (7)AscendingTypeChurches and Bishops
Metr. Archdiocese ArushaMetr. ArchdioceseSt. Theresa’s Metropolitan Cathedral Archbishop Isaac Amani Massawe (73) Bishop Prosper Balthazar Lyimo (60) Archbishop Josaphat Louis Lebulu (82)
Diocese MbuluDioceseSanu Cathedral Bishop Anthony Gaspar Lagwen (57)
Diocese MoshiDioceseCathedral of Christ the King Bishop Ludovick Joseph Minde, ALCP/OSS (72)
Diocese SameDioceseCathedral of Christ the King Bishop Rogath Fundimoya Kimaryo, C.S.Sp. (68) Bishop Jacob Venance Koda (67)
Metr. Archdiocese Dar-es-SalaamMetr. ArchdioceseMetropolitan Cathedral of St. Joseph Archbishop Jude Thaddaeus Ruwa’ichi, O.F.M. Cap. (70) Bishop Henry Mchamungu (60) Bishop Stephano Lameck Musomba, O.S.A. (55) Cardinal Polycarp Pengo (80)
Diocese IfakaraDioceseCathedral of St. Patrick Bishop Salutaris Melchior Libena (61)
Diocese MahengeDioceseCathedral of Christ the King Bishop Agapiti Ndorobo (70)
Diocese MorogoroDioceseCathedral of St. Patrick Bishop Lazarus Vitalis Msimbe, S.D.S. (61) Bishop Telesphore Richard Mkude (79)
Diocese TangaDioceseCathedral of St. Anthony Bishop Thomas John Kiangio (59)
Diocese ZanzibarDioceseSt. Joseph’s Cathedral Bishop Augustine Ndeliakyama Shao, C.S.Sp. (73)
Metr. Archdiocese DodomaMetr. ArchdioceseSt. Paul of the Cross Cathedral Archbishop Beatus Kinyaiya, O.F.M. Cap. (67) Bishop Wilbroad Henry Kibozi (51)
Diocese KondoaDioceseCathedral of the Holy Spirit Former Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Bishop Bernardine Francis Mfumbusa (62)
Diocese SingidaDioceseCathedral of the Holy Ghost Bishop Edward Elias Mapunda (60)
Metr. Archdiocese MbeyaMetr. ArchdioceseChrist the King Cathedral Archbishop Gervas John Mwasikwabhila Nyaisonga (58) Bishop Godfrey Jackson Mwasekaga (48)
Diocese IringaDioceseKihesa Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Bishop Tarcisius J. M. Ngalalekumtwa (76)
Diocese MafingaDioceseCathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bishop Vincent Cosmas Mwagala (51)
Diocese SumbawangaDioceseCathedral of the Magi Bishop Beatus Christian Urassa, ALCP/OSS (59) Bishop Damian Kyaruzi (84)
Metr. Archdiocese MwanzaMetr. ArchdioceseMetropolitan Cathedral of the Epiphany Archbishop Renatus Leonard Nkwande (59)
Diocese BukobaDioceseMater Misericordiae Cathedral Former Cathedral of St. Joseph Bishop Jovitus Francis Mwijage (58) Bishop Desiderius Rwoma (77) Bishop Method Kilaini (76)
Diocese BundaDioceseCathedral of St. Paul Bishop Simon Chibuga Masondole (52)
Diocese GeitaDioceseCathedral of Mary Queen of Peace Bishop Flavian Matindi Kassala (57)
Diocese KayangaDioceseCathedral of St. George Bishop Almachius Vincent Rweyongeza (69)
Diocese MusomaDioceseCathedral of Holy Mary Mother of God Bishop Michael George Mabuga Msonganzila (68)
Diocese Rulenge–NgaraDiocesePro-Cathedral of Christ the King Bishop Severine Niwemugizi (68)
Diocese ShinyangaDioceseCathedral of Mater Misericordiae Bishop Liberatus Sangu (61)
Metr. Archdiocese SongeaMetr. ArchdioceseSt. Mathias Mulumba Kalemba Metropolitan Cathedral Archbishop Damian Denis Dallu (69) Archbishop Norbert Wendelin Mtega (79)
Diocese LindiDioceseCathedral of St. Andrew Kaggwa Former Cathedral Bishop Wolfgang Pisa, O.F.M. Cap. (59) Bishop Bruno Pius Ngonyani (79)
Diocese MbingaDioceseSt. Kilian Cathedral Bishop John Chrisostom Ndimbo (64)
Diocese MtwaraDioceseCathedral of All Saints Abbey of Our Lady Help of Christians Bishop Titus Joseph Mdoe (63)
Diocese NjombeDioceseCathedral of St. Joseph Bishop Eusebio Samwel Kyando (60)
Diocese Tunduru–MasasiDioceseCathedral of St. Francis Xavier Bishop Filbert Felician Mhasi (54)
Metr. Archdiocese TaboraMetr. ArchdioceseSt. Therese of the Child Jesus Metropolitan Cathedral Cardinal Protase Rugambwa (64) Archbishop Paul Runangaza Ruzoka (76)
Diocese KahamaDioceseCathedral of St. Charles Lwanga Bishop Christopher Ndizeye Nkoronko (54)
Diocese KigomaDioceseCathedral of Our Lady of Victory Bishop Joseph Roman Mlola, ALCP/OSS (59)
Diocese MpandaDioceseCathedral of the Immaculate Conception Bishop Eusebius Alfred Nzigilwa (58)

Titular Episcopal Sees (2): Nachingwea, Rutabo

Last updated on 2025.01.23

© 2025
