Catholic ChurchinTransitional Islamic State of Afghanistan (Afghanistan) |
Also known as: Afganistán (español), l’Afghanistan (français), Afghanistan (Deutsch, Italiano), Afganistan (polski), Afeganistão (Português), 阿富汗 (正體中文), アフガニスタン (日本語), Afgania (latine)
Roman Rite (1): Afghanistan
by Type | by Name | by Ecclesiastical Province
Changes in Dioceses | Vacant Dioceses | Former Dioceses
Conference of Bishops: Bishops’ Conference of Central Asia
International Meeting of Bishops’ Conferences: Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (F.A.B.C.)
Continent: Central and Southwest Asia
Capital: Kabul
Area: 652,230 km²
Population: 12,481,134
Neighbouring Countries: ← Iran , ↑ Turkmenistan , ↑ Uzbekistan , ↗ Tajikistan , ↘ Pakistan
Religions: Muslim 99.7% (Sunni 84.7 - 89.7%, Shia 10 - 15%), other 0.3% (2009 est.)
Languages: Afghan Persian or Dari (official) 80% (Dari functions as the lingua franca), Pashto (official) 47%, Uzbek 11%, English 5%, Turkmen 2%, Urdu 2%, Pashayi 1%, Nuristani 1%, Arabic 1%, Balochi, Shughni, Pamiri, Hindi, Russian, German, French <.5% each, don't know/refused <1%
Ethnic Groups: Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, other (includes smaller numbers of Baloch, Turkmen, Nuristani, Pamiri, Arab, Gujar, Brahui, Qizilbash, Aimaq, Pashai, and Kyrghyz)
Area: 652,090 km²
Catholic Population: 200 Catholics (0.0% of 32,089,000 total)
Pastoral Centres: 1 parish
Clergy: 4 priests (religious)
Non-Clergy: 10 religious (2 brothers, 8 sisters), 1 major seminarian
Last updated on 2024.09.18
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