Archdiocese of


Italy Italy


Archbishop (2009.07.16 – ...):Archbishop Renato Boccardo (72)Archbishop Renato Boccardo (72)

Churches (93)

AllBeato GioloBeato Pietro BonilliSacro CuoreSan Bernardino da SienaSan FeliceSan GiacomoSan Giovanni BattistaSanta Chiara della CroceSanta MariaSanta RitaSanti Benedetto e Scolastica
Terni–Narni–Amelia (↙), Orvieto–Todi (←), Assisi–Nocera Umbra–Gualdo Tadino (↖), Foligno (↑), Camerino–San Severino Marche (↗), San Benedetto del Tronto–Ripatransone–Montalto (→), Ascoli Piceno (→), Rieti (↓)
Cities (Umbria) AscendingChurches (93)
Arrone, TRChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Avendita, PGChiesa San Procolo San Procolo (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Trasfigurazione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo
Church of St. Proculus
Baiano, PGChiesa San Giovanni San Giovanni (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John
Bastardo, PGChiesa San Francesco d’Assisi San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Bazzano Inferiore, PGChiesa Sant’Andrea Sant’Andrea (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Andrew
Beroide, PGChiesa Sant’Angelo Sant’Angelo (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Angel
Bevagna, PGChiesa di San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Former Cathedral, Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Bevagna, PGChiesa San Francesco San Francesco Locate
Church of St. Francis
Bevagna, PGMonastero Santa Margherita Santa Margherita (Monastery) Locate
Monastery of St. Margaret
Bevagna, PGMonastero Benedettine di Santa Maria del Monte Santa Maria del Monte (Monastery) Locate
Monastery of St. Mary of the Mount
Bevagna, PGChiesa San Silvestro San Silvestro Locate
Church of St. Sylvester
Bevagna, PGChiesa Santi Domenico e Giacomo Santi Domenico e Giacomo Locate
Church of St. Dominic and St. James
Borgo Trevi di Trevi, PGChiesa Sacra Famiglia Sacra Famiglia (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Family
Bovara, PGChiesa San Pietro San Pietro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
Campello sul Clitunno, PGChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Campello sul Clitunno, PGChiesa di San Salvatore San Salvatore (World Heritage Site) Locate
Tempietto del Clitunno
Church of the Holy Saviour
Cannaiola, PGSantuario Beato Pietro Bonilli Beato Pietro Bonilli (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Shrine of Bl. Pietro Bonilli
Cantalupo, PGChiesa Santa Maria Addolorata Santa Maria Addolorata (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Sorrows
Casale, PGChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
Cascia, PGBasilica di San Rita da Cascia Santa Rita da Cascia (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Conventual) Locate
Basilica of St. Rita of Cascia
Cascia, PGChiesa Santa Maria della Visitazione Santa Maria della Visitazione (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Visitation
Castel Ritaldi, PGChiesa Santa Marina Santa Marina (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia San Gregorio
Church of St. Marina
Castel San Giovanni, PGChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Cecalocco, TRChiesa San Giovenale San Giovenale (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Juvenal
Cerreto di Spoleto, PGChiesa Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata (Parish) Locate
Church of the Annunciation of Mary
Cesi di Terni, TRChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Civita, PGChiesa Santi Pietro e Paolo Santi Pietro e Paolo (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
Collestatte, TRChiesa San Pietro San Pietro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
Cortaccione, PGChiesa San Gabriele dell’Addolorata San Gabriele dell’Addolorata (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin
Eggi, PGChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Ferentillo, TRChiesa Santa Maria Santa Maria (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Firenzuola, TRChiesa Santa Maria in Rupis Santa Maria in Rupis (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Giano dell’Umbria, PGChiesa San Michele San Michele (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael
Gualdo Cattaneo, PGChiesa Sant’Antonio Sant’Antonio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Anthony
Maiano, PGChiesa San Lorenzo San Lorenzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Lawrence
Montebibico, PGChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Montefalco, PGSantuario della Madonna della Stella Madonna della Stella (Shrine) Locate
Shrine of Our Lady
Montefalco, PGChiesa San Bartolomeo San Bartolomeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Bartholomew
Montefalco, PGMonasterio Santa Chiara della Croce Santa Chiara della Croce (Monastery) Locate
Monastery of St. Clare of the Cross
Montefranco, TRChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Monteleone di Spoleto, PGChiesa San Francesco San Francesco Locate
Church of St. Francis
Monteleone di Spoleto, PGChiesa San Giovanni San Giovanni Locate
Church of St. John
Monteleone di Spoleto, PGChiesa San Nicola Vescovo San Nicola Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Monteluco di Spoleto, PGSantuario San Francesco San Francesco (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Shrine of St. Francis
Montemartano, PGChiesa Ascensione di Nostro Signore Ascensione di Nostro Signore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Ascension of Our Lord
Morgnano, PGChiesa San Giovanni Battista San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
Norcia, PGConcattedrale di Santa Maria Argentea Santa Maria Argentea (Co-Cathedral, Parish) Locate
Co-Cathedral of St. Mary of Silver
Norcia, PGBasilica di San Benedetto San Benedetto (Minor Basilica, Parish) Locate
Basilica of St. Benedict
Norcia, PGAbbazia San Benedetto in Monte San Benedetto in Monte (Monastery) (Latin) Locate
Abbey of St. Benedict
Norcia, PGChiesa San Francesco San Francesco Locate
Church of St. Francis
Norcia, PGMonastero Santa Maria della Pace Santa Maria della Pace Locate
Monastery of Our Lady of Peace
Norcia, PGChiesa Santae Mariae Misericordiae Santae Mariae Misericordiae Locate
Church of St. Mary of Mercy
Piedipaterno di Vallo di Nera, PGChiesa San Sebastiano San Sebastiano (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Santi Michele, Giovanni e Sebastiano
Church of St. Sebastian
Poggiodomo, PGChiesa San Carlo Borromeo San Carlo Borromeo Locate
Church of St. Charles Borromeo
Poggiodomo, PGChiesa San Pietro San Pietro (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Santissimo Salvatore e San Pietro Apostolo
Church of St. Peter
Poggioprimocaso, PGChiesa San Fortunato Confessore San Fortunato Confessore (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Fortunatus
Polino, TRChiesa San Michele Arcangelo San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
Pomonte, PGChiesa San Michele San Michele (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael
Portaria, TRChiesa Santi Filippo e Giacomo Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Parish) Locate
Church of Sts. Philip and James
Porzano, TRChiesa San Fortunato San Fortunato (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Fortunatus
Preci, PGAbbazia Sant’Eutizio Sant’Eutizio (Parish, Monastery) Locate
Church of St. Eutitius
Roccaporena, PGChiesa San Montano Vescovo San Montano Vescovo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Montanus
Roccaporena, PGSantuario di Santa Rita Santa Rita (Shrine) Locate
Shrine of St. Rita
San Brizio, PGChiesa San Brizio San Brizio (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Brice of Tours
San Giacomo, PGChiesa San Giacomo San Giacomo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. James
Santa Maria in Valle, PGChiesa Santi Antonino e Clemente Santi Antonino e Clemente (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Antoninus and St. Clement
San Martino in Trignano, PGChiesa San Martino San Martino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin
San Pellegrino di Norcia, PGChiesa San Pellegrino San Pellegrino Locate
Church of St. Peregrin
San Sabino, PGChiesa San Sabino San Sabino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Sabinus
San Venanzo, PGChiesa San Venanzo San Venanzo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Venantius
Sant’Anatolia di Narco, PGChiesa Santa Maria delle Grazie Santa Maria delle Grazie (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Sant’Anatolia
Church of Our Lady of Graces
Sant’Angelo in Mercole, PGChiesa Sant’Angelo Sant’Angelo (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Angel
Scheggino, PGChiesa San Nicola San Nicola (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Spoleto, PGCattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Cathedral) Locate
Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary
Spoleto, PGChiesa Sacro Cuore Sacro Cuore (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart
Spoleto, PGChiesa San Domenico San Domenico Locate
Church of St. Dominic
Spoleto, PGChiesa San Filippo San Filippo Locate
Church of St. Philip
Spoleto, PGChiesa San Gregorio Maggiore San Gregorio Maggiore (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Gregory the Great
Spoleto, PGChiesa San Nicolò San Nicolò (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
Spoleto, PGChiesa San Pietro extra Moenia San Pietro extra Moenia (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Santi Pietro e Paolo
Church of St. Peter
Spoleto, PGMonastero della Stella in San Ponziano San Ponziano (Monastery) Locate
Monastery of St. Pontian
Spoleto, PGChiesa Santa Rita Santa Rita (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Rita
Spoleto, PGChiesa di San Salvatore San Salvatore (World Heritage Site) Locate
Church of the Holy Saviour
Spoleto, PGBasilica Sant’Eufemia Sant’Eufemia Locate
Basilica of St. Euphemia
Strettura, PGChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Torreorsina, TRChiesa Sant’Antonio Sant’Antonio (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Santa Maria Assunta
Church of St. Anthony
Trevi, PGDuomo di Sant’Emiliano Sant’Emiliano (Former Cathedral, Parish) Locate
Cathedral of St. Emilianus
Trevi, PGSantuario Madonne delle Lagrime Madonne delle Lagrime (Shrine) Locate
Shrine of Our Lady of the Tears
Trevi, PGMonastero Santa Lucia Santa Lucia (Monastery) Locate
Monastery of St. Lucy
Turrita, PGAbbazia Santa Maria di Turrita Santa Maria di Turrita (Parish, Monastery) Locate
Church of St. Mary
Valle San Martino, PGChiesa San Martino San Martino (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin
Verchiano, PGChiesa Santa Maria Assunta Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary of the Assumption
Villamagina di Sellano, PGChiesa San Silvestro San Silvestro (Parish) Locate
Parrocchia Santa Maria Assunta
Church of St. Sylvester

Last updated on 2025.01.27

See Also

Archdiocese of Spoleto–Norcia

All Churches in Italy

Special Churches in Italy, Vatican City State, San Marino

© 2025
