Diocese of




Bishop (2014.01.15 – ...):Bishop Stephen Jay Berg (73)Bishop Stephen Jay Berg (73)

Churches (86)

Gallup (↙), Salt Lake City (←), Denver (↑), Colorado Springs (↑), Dodge City (→), Oklahoma City (↘), Santa Fe (↓)
Cities (Colorado)Churches (86) Ascending
San LuisChapel of All Saints All Saints (Shrine) Locate
Capilla de Todos Los Santos
Stations of the Cross
PuebloChurch of Christ the King Christ the King Locate
La VetaChrist the King Mission Christ the King Locate
Cañon CityFormer Holy Cross Abbey Holy Cross Locate
PuebloChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
Del NorteChurch of the Holy Name of Mary Holy Name of Mary Locate
PuebloChurch of the Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Locate
TrinidadChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
CharmaChapel of Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
Grand JunctionChurch of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
Pagosa SpringsChurch of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
RicoImmaculate Heart of Mary Mission Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
FowlerMary Queen of Heaven Mission Mary Queen of Heaven Locate
WestcliffeChurch of Our Lady of Assumption Our Lady of Assumption Locate
OlatheOur Lady of Fatima Mission Our Lady of Fatima Locate
ConejosChurch of Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Locate
La JuntaChurch of Our Lady of Guadalupe–St. Patrick Our Lady of Guadalupe–St. Patrick Locate
BeulahOur Lady of Lourdes Mission Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
PuebloChurch of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Mount Carmel (English, Spanish) Locate
SpringfieldChurch of Our Lady of the Annunciation Our Lady of the Annunciation Locate
RomeoOur Lady of the Immaculate Conception Mission Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Locate
PuebloChurch of Our Lady of the Meadows Our Lady of the Meadows Locate
La JaraOur Lady of the Valley Mission Our Lady of the Valley Locate
DoloresOur Lady of Victory Mission Our Lady of Victory Locate
Crested ButteChurch of the Queen of All Saints Queen of All Saints Locate
PuebloCathedral of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (Cathedral) Locate
AlamosaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (English, Spanish) Locate
AvondaleChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
DurangoChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
FruitaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
GardnerChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
PaoniaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
LobatosSagrada Familia Mission Sagrada Familia Locate
San AcacioMission San Acacio San Acacio Locate
Capilla de Viejo San Acacio
SaguacheChurch of St. Agnes St. Agnes Locate
RyeSt. Aloysius Mission St. Aloysius Locate
PalisadeSt. Ann Mission St. Ann Locate
PuebloChurch of St. Anne St. Anne Locate
AguilarChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
LasausesSt. Anthony Mission St. Anthony Locate
ConejosSt. Augustine Mission St. Augustine Locate
FlorenceChurch of St. Benedict St. Benedict Locate
DurangoChurch of St. Columba St. Columba Locate
OurayChurch of St. Daniel the Prophet St. Daniel the Prophet Locate
FrancesSt. Frances Mission St. Frances Locate
HollyChurch of St. Frances of Rome St. Frances of Rome Locate
LamarChurch of St. Francis de Sales–Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Francis de Sales–Our Lady of Guadalupe Locate
CenterChurch of St. Francis Jerome St. Francis Jerome Locate
PuebloChurch of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Locate
San FranciscoIglesia San Francisco de Asís San Francisco de Asís Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
IgnacioChurch of St. Ignatius St. Ignatius Locate
TrinidadSan Isidro Mission San Isidro Locate
TrujilloSt. James the Apostle Mission St. James the Apostle Locate
Pagosa SpringsChurch of St. John Paul II St. John Paul II Locate
Pagosa JunctionSt. John the Baptist Mission St. John the Baptist Locate
CapulinChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Grand JunctionChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Monte VistaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
PuebloChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Dove CreekSt. Jude Mission St. Jude Locate
PuebloChurch of St. Leander St. Leander Locate
HotchkissSt. Margaret Mary Mission St. Margaret Mary Locate
CortezChurch of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (English, Spanish) Locate
Las AnimasChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
MontroseChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
WalsenburgChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
PuebloChurch of St. Mary Help of Christians St. Mary Help of Christians Locate
Cañon CityChurch of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
DeltaChurch of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
RockvaleSt. Patrick Mission St. Patrick Locate
SilvertonSt. Patrick Mission St. Patrick Locate
TellurideChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
Pueblo WestChurch of St. Paul the Apostle St. Paul the Apostle (English, Spanish) Locate
San PedroIglesia San Pedro y San Pablo San Pedro y San Pablo Locate
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
GunnisonChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
OrdwayChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
Rocky FordChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
CedaredgeSt. Philip Benizi Mission St. Philip Benizi Locate
PuebloChurch of St. Pius X St. Pius X Locate
MancosChurch of St. Rita of Cascia St. Rita of Cascia Locate
Lake CitySt. Rose of Lima Mission St. Rose of Lima Locate
PuebloShrine of St. Therese St. Therese (Shrine) Locate
VinelandChurch of St. Therese St. Therese Locate
ManassaSt. Therese of the Child Jesus Mission St. Therese of the Child Jesus Locate
San LuisIglesia Sangre de Cristo Sangre de Cristo Locate
Church of the Blood of Christ
ChromoChromo Station (Chromo Station) Locate

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Diocese of Pueblo

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