Bishop (2008.04.16 – ...): | Bishop Benedito Gonçalves dos Santos (66) |
Cities (São Paulo) | Churches (56) |
Presidente Prudente | Bom Jesus de Pirapora (Parish) Church of the Good Jesus |
Presidente Prudente | Menino Jesus de Praga (Parish) Church of the Infant Jesus of Prague |
Emilianópolis | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Presidente Bernardes | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Regente Feijó | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Rosana | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Tarabai | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Teodoro Sampaio | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Taciba | Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora das Graças (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Graces |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora de Lourdes (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Lourdes |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora Desatadora dos Nós e São José de Anchieta (Parish) Church of Our Lady Untier of Knots and St. Joseph of Anchieta |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora do Carmo (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Carmel |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Teodoro Sampaio | Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help |
Indiana | Nossa Senhora do Rosário (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Rosary |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Fátima (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima |
Rosana | Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Navigators |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora Mãe da Igreja (Parish) Church of Our Lady Mother of the Church |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora Mãe da Igreja (Seminary) Diocesan Seminary of Our Lady Mother of the Church |
Presidente Prudente | Nossa Senhora Rainha dos Apóstolos (Parish) Church of Our Lady Queen of the Apostles |
Presidente Epitácio | Sagrada Família (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Martinópolis | Santa Bibiana (Parish) Church of St. Bibian |
Anhumas | Santa Luzia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Presidente Bernardes | Santa Luzia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Presidente Prudente | Santa Luzia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Presidente Prudente | Santa Rita de Cássia (Parish) Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Presidente Prudente | Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus e da Sagrada Face (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Therese |
Marabá Paulista | Santa Terezinha (Parish) Church of St. Therese |
Mirante do Paranapanema | Santa Terezinha do Menino Jesus (Parish) Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus |
Santo Anastácio | Santo Anastácio (Parish) Church of St. Anastasia |
Presidente Venceslau | Santo Antônio de Lisboa (Parish) Church of St. Amthony of Lisbon |
Caiabu | Santo Antônio de Pádua (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Presidente Prudente | Santo Antônio de Pádua (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Sandovalina | Santo Antônio de Pádua (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Santo Expedito | Santo Expedito (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Expeditus |
Alfredo Marcondes | São Benedito (Parish) Church of St. Benedict the Moor |
Presidente Prudente | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
Narandiba | São Francisco de Paula (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Paola |
Presidente Venceslau | São Francisco de Paula e Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Paula and Our Lady of Fatima |
Presidente Epitácio | São Jerônimo Emiliani (Parish) Church of St. Jerome Emiliani |
Pirapozinho | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Álvares Machado | São José (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Caiuá | São José (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Euclides da Cunha Paulista | São José (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Presidente Prudente | São José (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Presidente Prudente | São Judas Tadeu (Parish) Church of St. Jude Thaddeus |
Presidente Prudente | São Lucas (Parish) Church of St. Luke |
Piquerobi | São Miguel Arcanjo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Presidente Prudente | São Miguel Arcanjo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Presidente Prudente | São Paulo Apóstolo (Parish) Church of St. Paul the Apostle |
Presidente Epitácio | São Pedro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
Presidente Prudente | São Pedro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
Presidente Prudente | São Sebastião (Cathedral, Parish) Cathedral of St. Sebastian |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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