Metropolitan Archdiocese of

Kansas City


Metropolitan Archdiocese

Metropolitan Archbishop (2005.01.15 – ...):Archbishop Joseph Fred Naumann (75)Archbishop Joseph Fred Naumann (75)

Churches (124)

Wichita (↙), Salina (←), Lincoln (↖), Kansas City–Saint Joseph (→)
Cities (Kansas) AscendingChurches (124)
AlmaChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
AtchisonChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
AtchisonChurch of St. Benedict St. Benedict Locate
AtchisonAbbey of St. Benedict St. Benedict (Monastery) Locate
AtchisonChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
AtchisonChurch of St. Louis St. Louis Locate
AtchisonChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
AxtellChurch of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
BaileyvilleChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Baldwin CityChurch of the Annunciation Annunciation Locate
BasehorChurch of the Holy Angels Holy Angels Locate
BeattieChurch of St. Malachy St. Malachy Locate
BendenaChurch of St. Benedict St. Benedict Locate
BlaineChurch of St. Columbkille St. Columbkille Locate
Blue RapidsChurch of St. Monica–St. Elizabeth St. Monica–St. Elizabeth Locate
BucyrusChurch of the Queen of the Holy Rosary Queen of the Holy Rosary Locate
BurlingtonChurch of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Locate
CorningChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
La CygneChurch of Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
EastonChrist’s Peace House of Prayer Christ’s Peace (Chapel) Locate
EastonChurch of St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Locate
Parish of St. Joseph-St. Lawrence
EdgertonChurch of Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Locate
EffinghamChurch of St. Ann St. Ann Locate
EmporiaEmporia State University Emporia State University Locate
Didde Catholic Campus Center
EmporiaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
EmporiaChurch of St. Catherine St. Catherine Locate
EudoraChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
FrankfortChurch of the Annunciation Annunciation Locate
GardnerChurch of Divine Mercy Divine Mercy Locate
GarnettChurch of the Holy Angels Holy Angels Locate
GreeleyChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
HartfordChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
HiawathaChurch of St. Ann St. Ann Locate
HoltonChurch of St. Dominic St. Dominic Locate
HortonChurch of St. Leo St. Leo Locate
Kansas CityCathedral of St. Peter St. Peter (Cathedral) Locate
Kansas CityChurch of All Saints All Saints Locate
Kansas CityChurch of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Locate
Kansas CityChurch of Christ the King Christ the King Locate
Kansas CityChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
Kansas CityChurch of the Holy Name Holy Name Locate
Kansas CityChurch of Our Lady and St. Rose Our Lady and St. Rose Locate
Kansas CityChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Parish of Our Lady of Unity
Kansas CityChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
Kansas CityChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist Locate
Parish of Our Lady of Unity
Kansas CityChurch of St. Mary–St. Anthony St. Mary–St. Anthony Locate
Kansas CityChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
KellyChurch of St. Bede St. Bede Locate
LansingChurch of St. Francis de Sales St. Francis de Sales Locate
LapeerChurch of St. Francis of Assisi (Overbrook) St. Francis of Assisi (Overbrook) Locate
LawrenceChurch of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Locate
LawrenceSt. Conrad Friary St. Conrad (Chapel) Locate
LawrenceChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist Locate
LawrenceSt. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center St. Lawrence Locate
University of Kansas
LeavenworthChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception (Former Cathedral) Locate
LeavenworthChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Parish of the Sacred Heart–St. Casimir
LeavenworthChurch of St. Casimir St. Casimir Locate
Parish of the Sacred Heart–St. Casimir
LeavenworthChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Parish of St. Joseph-St. Lawrence
LeavenworthChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Parish of the Immaculate Conception
LeawoodChurch of the Cure of Ars Cure of Ars Locate
LeawoodChurch of the Nativity Nativity Locate
LeawoodChurch of St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel Locate
LenexaChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
LouisburgChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
Maple HillChapel of St. John Vianney St. John Vianney (Latin) Locate
MarysvilleChurch of St. Gregory St. Gregory Locate
MayettaOur Lady of Snows Potawatomi Indian Catholic Shrine Our Lady of Snows (Shrine) Locate
MayettaChurch of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Locate
MeridenChurch of St. Aloysius St. Aloysius Locate
MissionChurch of St. Pius X St. Pius X Locate
Mound CityChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart (Shrine) Locate
Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne
NortonvilleChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
OlatheChurch of the Prince of Peace Prince of Peace Locate
OlatheChurch of St. Paul St. Paul Locate
OlpeChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
OnagaChurch of St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Locate
Osage CityChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
OsawatomieChurch of St. Philip Neri St. Philip Neri Locate
OttawaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Overland ParkChurch of the Ascension Ascension Locate
Overland ParkChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
Overland ParkChurch of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Locate
Overland ParkChurch of the Queen of the Holy Rosary Queen of the Holy Rosary Locate
PaolaChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
PaxicoChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
PerryChurch of St. Theresa St. Theresa Locate
Prairie VillageChurch of St. Ann St. Ann Locate
PurcellChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
RichmondChurch of St. Therese St. Therese Locate
Roeland ParkChurch of St. Agnes St. Agnes Locate
RossvilleChurch of St. Stanislaus St. Stanislaus Locate
SabethaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
SabethaChurch of St. Augustine St. Augustine Locate
St. BenedictChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
St. GeorgeChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
St. MarysChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
ScipioChurch of St. Boniface St. Boniface Locate
ScrantonChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
SenecaChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
ShawneeChurch of the Good Shepherd Good Shepherd Locate
ShawneeChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
ShawneeChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
SummerfieldChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
TonganoxieChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
TopekaChurch of the Assumption Assumption Locate
Parish of Mater Dei
TopekaChurch of Christ the King Christ the King Locate
TopekaChurch of the Holy Name Holy Name Locate
Parish of Mater Dei
TopekaChurch of the Most Pure Heart of Mary Most Pure Heart of Mary Locate
TopekaChurch of Mother Teresa of Calcutta Mother Teresa of Calcutta Locate
TopekaChurch of Our Lady of Guadalupe Our Lady of Guadalupe Locate
TopekaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Parish of the Sacred Heart–St. Joseph
TopekaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph (English, Latin) Locate
Parish of the Sacred Heart–St. Joseph
TopekaChurch of St. Matthew St. Matthew Locate
TopekaWashburn University Washburn University Locate
Catholic Campus Center
TroyChurch of St. Charles St. Charles Locate
Valley FallsChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
WamegoChurch of St. Bernard St. Bernard Locate
WathenaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
WaverlyChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
WestphaliaChurch of St. Teresa St. Teresa Locate
WestwoodChurch of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne St. Rose Philippine Duchesne (Latin) Locate
WetmoreChurch of St. James St. James Locate
WilliamsburgChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
WilliamsburgChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kansas City

All Churches in USA

Special Churches in USA

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