Bishop (1998.04.15 – ...): | Bishop Gorgônio Alves da Encarnação Neto, C.R. (75) |
Cities (São Paulo) | Churches (50) |
Alambari | Bom Jesus (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of the Good Jesus |
Quadra | Bom Jesus (Parish) Church of the Good Jesus |
Pilar do Sul | Bom Jesus do Bom Fim (Parish) Church of the Good Jesus of the Good End |
Itapetininga | Bom Pastor (Parish) Church of the Good Shepherd |
Angatuba | Divino Espírito Santo (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit |
Vila Belo Horizonte | Menino Jesus Church of the Infant Jesus |
Gramadão | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Aparecida |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora Aparecida do Sul (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida of the South |
Tatuí | Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica of Our Lady of Conception |
Sarapuí | Nossa Senhora das Dores (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora das Estrelas (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Stars |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora das Graças (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Graces |
Tatuí | Nossa Senhora das Graças Church of Our Lady of Graces |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Fatima |
Tatuí | Nossa Senhora de Fátima (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima |
Paranapanema | Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Good Success |
Pilar do Sul | Nossa Senhora do Pilar (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Pillar |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora do Rosário Church of Our Lady of the Rosary |
Itapetininga | Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres (Cathedral, Parish) Cathedral of Our Lady of Joy |
Tatuí | Sagrada Família (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Tatuí | Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Cesário Lange | Santa Cruz (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Tatuí | Santa Cruz (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Varginha | Santa Cruz (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Itapetininga | Santa Rita de Cássia (Parish) Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Tatuí | Santa Rita de Cássia (Parish) Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Itapetininga | Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus Church of St. Therese of the Infant Jesus |
Tatuí | Santa Teresinha do Menino Jesus (Parish) Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus |
Itapetininga | Sant’Ana (Parish) Church of St. Ann |
Itapetininga | Santo Antonio Church of St. Anthony |
Porangaba | Santo Antônio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony |
Itapetininga | São Caetano Church of St. Cajetan |
Capela do Alto | São Francisco de Assis (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
Guareí | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Itapetininga | São João Batista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Itapetininga | São João Paulo II (Seminary) Diocesan Seminary of St. John Paul II |
Campos de Holambra | São José (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Tatuí | São José Operário (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Joseph the Worker |
Angatuba | São Judas Tadeu (Parish) Church of St. Jude Thaddeus |
São Miguel Arcanjo | São Judas Tadeu (Parish) Church of St. Jude Thaddeus |
Tatuí | São Judas Tadeu (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Jude Thaddeus |
Tatuí | São Lázaro (Parish) Church of St. Lazarus |
São Miguel Arcanjo | São Miguel Arcanjo (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica Shrine of St. Michael the Archangel |
Itapetininga | São Paulo Apóstolo (Parish) Church of St. Paul the Apostle |
Torre de Pedra | São Pedro (Parish) Church of St. Peter |
Itapetininga | São Pio de Pietrelcina Church of St. Pius of Pietrelcina |
Campina do Monte Alegre | São Roque (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Itapetininga | São Roque (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Bom Retiro | Senhor Bom Jesus e São Roque (Parish) Church of the Good Lord Jesus and St. Roch |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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