Bishop (2019.05.31 – ...): | Bishop Giovanni Mosciatti (66) |
Cities (Emilia Romagna) | Churches (109) |
Baffadi, RA | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Bagnara di Romagna, RA | Santi Giovanni Battista e Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist and St. Andrew |
Balia, BO | Santa Margherita in San Pantaleone (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Barbiano, RA | Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Belricetto, RA | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Belvedere, BO | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Bergullo, BO | Sant’Apollinare (Parish) Church of St. Apollinarus |
Borello, RA | San Cristoforo (Parish) Church of St. Christopher |
Borgo Tossignano, BO | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Bubano, BO | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Budrio di Cotignola, RA | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Budrio Petroso, RA | Santo Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Stephen |
Campiano, RA | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Carseggio, BO | Santa Margherita Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Margaret of Antioch |
Casalecchio, RA | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Casalfiumanese, BO | San Gregorio Magno (Parish) Church of St. Gregory the Great |
Casalino, BO | San Luca Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Luke the Evangelist |
Casola Canina, BO | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Casola Valsenio, RA | Assunzione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Castel Bolognese, RA | San Petronio (Parish) Church of St. Petronius |
Castel del Rio, BO | San Miniato (Parish) Church of St. Miniatus |
Castel del Rio, BO | Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Church of St. Ambrose |
Castelnuovo, RA | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Chiesanuova di Conselice, RA | San Giovanni Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. John the Evangelist |
Chiesanuova di Voltana, RA | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Chiusura, BO | Santi Giovanni e Paolo (Parish) Church of Sts. John and Paul |
Codrignano, BO | San Geminiano (Parish) Church of St. Geminianus |
Conselice, RA | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Costa, RA | Santi Stefano e Martino (Parish) Church of St. Stephen and St. Martin |
Croara, BO | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Cuffiano, RA | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Dozza, BO | Assunzione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Dozza, BO | San Lorenzo in Piscerano (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Fontanelice, BO | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Fornione, BO | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Fruges, RA | Natività di Maria Santissima in San Giacomo di Fruge (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Gallisterna, RA | San Tommaso Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Thomas the Apostle |
Gesso, BO | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Ghiandolino, BO | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Giardino, BO | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Giovecca, RA | Sant’Evaristo (Parish) Church of St. Evaristus |
Imola, BO | San Cassiano Martire (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish) Cathedral Basilica of St. Cassian |
Imola, BO | Beata Vergine del Piratello (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Piratello |
Imola, BO | Assunzione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Imola, BO | Esaltazione Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross |
Imola, BO | Nostra Signora di Fatima (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Fatima |
Imola, BO | San Francesco d’Assisi in Torano (Parish) Church of St. Francis |
Imola, BO | San Giacomo Maggiore del Carmine (Parish) Church of St. James Major |
Imola, BO | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Imola, BO | San Giovanni Evangelista in Zolino (Parish) Church of St. John the Evangelist |
Imola, BO | San Lorenzo (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Imola, BO | Santa Maria in Regola (Parish, Monastery) Church of St. Mary |
Imola, BO | Santa Maria in Valverde (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Imola, BO | San Pio Church of St. Pius of Pietrelcina |
Imola, BO | Sant’Agata (Parish) Church of St. Agatha |
Imola, BO | Sant’Agostino (Parish) Parrocchia San Michele Arcangelo Church of St. Augustine |
Imola, BO | Santi Bartolomeo e Cassiano (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew and St. Cassian |
Imola, BO | Santo Spirito (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit |
Limisano, RA | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Linaro, BO | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Lugo, RA | Madonna del Molino (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica of Our Lady |
Lugo, RA | Ascensione di Nostro Signor Gesù Cristo (Parish) Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Lugo, RA | San Francesco di Paola (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Paola |
Lugo, RA | San Gabriele Arcangelo in San Benedetto Abate (Parish) Church of St. Gabriel Archangel |
Lugo, RA | San Giacomo Maggiore (Parish) Church of St. James |
Lugo, RA | Santi Francesco ed Ilaro (Parish) Church of St. Francis and St. Hilary |
Lugo, RA | Santi Simone e Giuda (Parish) Church of Sts. Simon and Jude |
Massa Lombarda, RA | Conversione di San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Church of the Conversion of St. Paul |
Mercatale, BO | Santa Maria Maddalena di Codronco (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Mezzocolle, BO | San Savino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Savinus |
Montecatone, BO | San Biagio Vescovo e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Mordano, BO | Sant’Eustacchio Martire (Parish) Church of St. Eustachius |
Orsara, BO | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Ortodonico, BO | Assunzione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Pediano, BO | Madonna della Misericordia di Ghiandolino (Parish, Shrine) Parrocchia San Nicolò e San Giacomo Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy |
Pezzuolo, BO | San Pier Grisologo (Parish) Church of St. Peter Chrysologus |
Pieve di Cantalupo, BO | Sant’Apollinare (Parish) Church of St. Apollinarus |
Poggiolo, BO | San Clemente Papa Martire (Parish) Church of St. Clement |
Posseggio, BO | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Prato, BO | Sant’Anastasio Martire (Parish) Church of St. Anastasius the Martyr |
Prugno, RA | Santa Margherita Vergine (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Renzuno, RA | Assunzione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Riolo Terme, RA | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Rivacciola, RA | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
San Bernardino in Selva, RA | San Bernardino da Siena (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine of Siena |
San Giovanni in Campo, BO | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
San Lorenzo in Selva, RA | San Lorenzo Diacono e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence |
Santa Maria in Fabriago, RA | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
San Mauro, RA | San Mauro Abate (Parish) Church of St. Maurus |
San Patrizio, RA | San Patrizio Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Patrick |
San Prospero, BO | San Prospero Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Prosper |
San Ruffillo, RA | San Rufillo (Parish) Church of St. Ruphillus |
Sant’Andrea di Castel del Rio, BO | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Sant’Apollinare in Castel Pagano, RA | Sant’Apollinare (Parish) Church of St. Apollinarus |
Sasso Morelli, BO | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Sassoleone, BO | San Prospero (Parish) Church of St. Prosper |
Sellustra, BO | Natività della Beata Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
Serra, RA | Natività della Beata Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin |
Sesto Imolese, BO | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Spazzate Sassatelli, BO | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Toscanella, BO | Santa Maria del Carmine (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Tossignano, BO | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Valsalva, BO | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Valsellustra, BO | Santa Maria Assunta in Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Valsenio, RA | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Villa Serraglio, RA | Sant’Urbano Papa Martire (Parish) Church of St. Urban |
Voltana, RA | Santi Antonio da Padova e Giovanni Bosco (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua and St. John Bosco |
Zagonara, RA | Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Andrew |
Zello, BO | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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