Diocese of

Green Bay



Bishop (2008.07.09 – ...):Bishop David Laurin Ricken (72)Bishop David Laurin Ricken (72)

Churches (194)

Madison (↙), La Crosse (←), Superior (↖), Marquette (↑), Milwaukee (↓)
Cities (Wisconsin)Churches (193) Ascending
DenmarkChurch of All Saints All Saints Locate
Green BayChurch of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Locate
PulaskiChurch of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Locate
Sturgeon BayChurch of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Locate
ChiltonChurch of the Good Shepherd Good Shepherd Locate
Bay SettlementChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
KaukaunaChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
MishicotChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
BrillionChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
ElchoChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
WittenbergChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
Holy Family–St. William Parish
KewauneeChurch of the Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Locate
New HolsteinChurch of the Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Locate
KaukaunaParish of the Holy Spirit–Darboy Site Holy Spirit Locate
KimberlyParish of the Holy Spirit–Kimberly Site Holy Spirit Locate
CascoChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
New DenmarkMission of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
OcontoChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity (Parish) Locate
School HillChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
Clarks MillsChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
FlorenceChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
LuxemburgChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
OneidaChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
Green BayChurch of the Nativity of Our Lord Nativity of Our Lord Locate
ChampionNational Shrine of Our Lady of Champion Our Lady of Champion (National Shrine) Locate
De PereChurch of Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
MarinetteChurch of Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
Holy Family Parish
New LondonChurch of the Most Precious Blood Precious Blood Locate
Green BayChurch of the Prince of Peace Prince of Peace Locate
Green BayChurch of the Resurrection Resurrection Locate
AppletonChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
AuroraChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
ManawaChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
OshkoshChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Parish of St. Jude the Apostle
ShawanoChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
SherwoodChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Parish of St. John–Sacred Heart
Poy SippiChurch of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
AmbergChurch of St. Agnes St. Agnes Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Agnes St. Agnes Locate
KaukaunaChurch of St. Aloysius St. Aloysius Locate
Parish of St. Katharine Drexel
WabenoChurch of St. Ambrose St. Ambrose Locate
St. AnnaChurch of St. Ann St. Ann Locate
ColemanParish of St. Anne–Coleman Site St. Anne Locate
Francis CreekChurch of St. Anne St. Anne Locate
LenaParish of St. Anne–Lena Site St. Anne Locate
NeopitChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
NiagaraChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
Oconto FallsChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
TigertonChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
KossuthChurch of St. Augustine St. Augustine Locate
WausaukeeChurch of St. Augustine St. Augustine Locate
SuamicoChurch of St. Benedict St. Benedict Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Bernadette St. Bernadette Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Bernard St. Bernard Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Bernard St. Bernard Locate
AniwaChurch of St. Boniface St. Boniface Locate
ManitowocChurch of St. Boniface St. Boniface Locate
KrakowChurch of St. Casimir St. Casimir Locate
ShioctonChurch of St. Denis St. Denis Locate
MackvilleChurch of St. Edward St. Edward Locate
FlintvilleChurch of Sts. Edward and Isidore Sts. Edward and Isidore Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Locate
HollandtownChurch of St. Francis St. Francis Locate
Parish of St. Katharine Drexel
BrusselsChurch of St. Francis and St. Mary St. Francis and St. Mary Locate
ManitowocParish of St. Francis of Assisi–Grand Site St. Francis of Assisi Locate
ManitowocParish of St. Francis of Assisi–Marshall Site St. Francis of Assisi Locate
ManitowocParish of St. Francis of Assisi–Waldo Site St. Francis of Assisi Locate
GreshamChurch of St. Francis Solanus St. Francis Solanus Locate
Green BaySt. Francis Xavier Cathedral St. Francis Xavier (Cathedral) Locate
De PereChurch of St. Francis Xavier St. Francis Xavier Locate
NeenahChurch of St. Gabriel the Archangel St. Gabriel the Archangel Locate
St. NazianzChurch of St. Gregory St. Gregory Locate
KewauneeChurch of St. Hedwig St. Hedwig Locate
Parish of St. Therese de Lisieux
NewaldMission of St. Hubert St. Hubert Locate
RosiereChurch of St. Hubert St. Hubert Locate
Parish of St. Peter–St. Hubert
Tisch MillsChurch of St. Isidore the Farmer St. Isidore the Farmer Locate
CooperstownChurch of St. James St. James Locate
White LakeChurch of St. James St. James Locate
Parish of Sts. James–Stanislaus
GoodmanChurch of St. Joan of Arc St. Joan of Arc Locate
AntigoChurch of St. John St. John Locate
MenashaChurch of St. John St. John Locate
SeymourChurch of St. John St. John Locate
Little ChuteChurch of St. John Nepomucene St. John Nepomucene Locate
HowardChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
SherwoodChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
Parish of St. John–Sacred Heart
GillettChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist Locate
Green BayChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
ChampionChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
CrandonChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
De PereNational Shrine of St. Joseph St. Joseph (National Shrine) Locate
Old St. Joseph Church
St. Norbert College
Green BayOratory of St. Joseph St. Joseph (Latin) Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
KellnersvilleChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
MarinetteChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Holy Family Parish
OneidaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Sturgeon BayChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
WautomaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
WalshParish of Sts. Joseph and Edward Sts. Joseph and Edward Locate
PhloxChurch of St. Joseph Holy Family St. Joseph Holy Family Locate
LuxemburgChurch of St. Joseph–St. John St. Joseph–St. John Locate
Parish of St. Therese de Lisieux
Green BayChurch of St. Jude St. Jude Locate
New FrankenChurch of St. Kilian St. Kilian Locate
DenmarkChurch of St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Locate
Parish of St. Therese de Lisieux
NavarinoChurch of St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Locate
LaonaChurch of St. Leonard St. Leonard Locate
DyckesvilleChurch of St. Louis St. Louis Locate
Two RiversFormer Church of St. Luke St. Luke Locate
PembineChurch of St. Margaret St. Margaret Locate
NeenahChurch of St. Margaret Mary St. Margaret Mary Locate
RedgraniteChurch of St. Mark St. Mark Locate
CecilChurch of St. Martin St. Martin Locate
AlgomaChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Bear CreekChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Black CreekChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Caldron FallsParish of St. Mary–Caldron Falls Chapel St. Mary Locate
CrivitzChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
De PereChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
GlenmoreParish of St. Mary–Glenmore Site St. Mary Locate
GreenleafChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Parish of St. Clare
GreenvilleChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
HilbertChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
KaukaunaChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Parish of St. Katharine Drexel
LeopolisChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
MaplewoodChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
MarionChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
MenashaChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
OmroChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
OshkoshChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Parish of the Most Blessed Sacrament
PeshtigoChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
PickerelChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
StarkParish of St. Mary–Stark Site St. Mary Locate
StockbridgeChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
WinneconneChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
AntigoParish of Sts. Mary and Hyacinth Sts. Mary and Hyacinth Locate
WaupacaChurch of St. Mary Magdalene St. Mary Magdalene Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Mary of the Angels St. Mary of the Angels Locate
Crooked LakeParish of St. Mary of the Lake–Crooked Lake Chapel St. Mary of the Lake Locate
LakewoodParish of St. Mary of the Lake St. Mary of the Lake Locate
Silver CliffParish of St. Mary of the Lake–Silver Cliff Chapel St. Mary of the Lake Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Matthew St. Matthew Locate
SobieskiChurch of St. Maximilian Kolbe St. Maximilian Kolbe Locate
KeshenaChurch of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
MountainParish of St. Michael–Chute Pond Station St. Michael Locate
SuringParish of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
WhitelawChurch of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
FreedomChurch of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas Locate
De PereSt. Norbert Abbey St. Norbert (Monastery) Locate
Long LakeChurch of St. Norbert St. Norbert Locate
De PereSt. Norbert Abbey St. Norbert Abbey (Monastery) Locate
AskeatonChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
Parish of St. Clare
Green BayOratory of St. Patrick St. Patrick (Latin) Locate
LebanonChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
MenashaChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
StephensvilleChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
StilesChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
Combined LocksChurch of St. Paul St. Paul Locate
PlainfieldChurch of St. Paul St. Paul Locate
WrightstownChurch of St. Paul St. Paul Locate
Parish of St. Clare
LincolnChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
Parish of St. Peter–St. Hubert
OcontoChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
OshkoshChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
Parish of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Green BayChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
HortonvilleChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
InstituteChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
KielChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
WeyauwegaChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul Locate
Two RiversChurch of St. Peter the Fisherman St. Peter the Fisherman Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Philip the Apostle St. Philip the Apostle Locate
BirnamwoodChurch of St. Philomena St. Philomena Locate
Little SuamicoChurch of St. Pius St. Pius Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Pius X St. Pius X Locate
OshkoshChurch of St. Raphael the Archangel St. Raphael the Archangel Locate
ClintonvilleChurch of St. Rose St. Rose Locate
IsaarChurch of St. Sebastian St. Sebastian Locate
Hofa ParkChurch of St. Stanislaus St. Stanislaus Locate
LangladeChurch of St. Stanislaus St. Stanislaus Locate
Parish of Sts. James–Stanislaus
Armstrong CreekChurch of St. Stanislaus Kostka St. Stanislaus Kostka Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Therese St. Therese Locate
AppletonChurch of St. Thomas More St. Thomas More Locate
HumboldtChurch of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle Locate
NewtonChurch of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle Locate
OshkoshChurch of St. Vincent St. Vincent Locate
Parish of St. Jude the Apostle
NevaChurch of St. Wenceslaus St. Wenceslaus Locate
Green BayChurch of St. Willebrord St. Willebrord Locate
WittenbergChurch of St. William St. William Locate
Holy Family–St. William Parish
Baileys HarborParish of Stella Maris–Baileys Harbor Site Stella Maris Locate
Egg HarborParish of Stella Maris–Egg Harbor Site Stella Maris Locate
Fish CreekParish of Stella Maris–Fish Creek Site Stella Maris Locate
JacksonportParish of Stella Maris–Jacksonport Site Stella Maris Locate
Sister BayParish of Stella Maris–Sister Bay Site Stella Maris Locate
Washington IslandParish of Stella Maris–Washington Island Site Stella Maris Locate
CitiesOther Churches Within the Diocesan Territory (1) Ascending
St. NazianzMonastery of the Holy Resurrection Holy Resurrection (Monastery) (Romanian) Locate

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Diocese of Green Bay

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