Bishop (2023.05.03 – ...): | Bishop Andrea Andreozzi (56) |
Cities (Marche) | Churches (108) |
Abbadia di Naro, PU | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Abbey of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Acquaviva, PU | Beata Vergine del Rosario (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Rosary |
Apecchio, PU | Madonna della Vita Church of Our Lady of Life |
Apecchio, PU | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Barchi, PU | Santissima Risurrezione (Parish) Church of the Most Holy Resurrection |
Bellaguardia, PU | Santi Gabriele dell’Addolorata e Martino (Parish) Church of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin and St. Martin |
Bellisio Solfare, PU | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Bellocchi, PU | San Sebastiano (Parish) Church of St. Sebastian |
Cagli, PU | Santa Maria Assunta (Co-Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish) Co-Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of Mary |
Cagli, PU | San Bartolomeo Church of St. Bartholomew |
Cagli, PU | Santa Chiara Church of St. Clare |
Cagli, PU | San Domenico Church of St. Dominic |
Cagli, PU | San Francesco Church of St. Francis |
Cagli, PU | San Geronzio Church of St. Gerontius |
Cagli, PU | San Giuseppe Church of St. Joseph |
Cagli, PU | Santa Maria ad Nives in Tarugo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Snows |
Cagli, PU | San Pier Damiani (Parish) Church of St. Peter Damian |
Cagli, PU | Sant’Andrea Church of St. Andrew |
Cagli, PU | Sant’Angelo Minore Church of the Holy Angel |
Cagli, PU | Santi Bartolomeo e Vincenzo in Drogo (Parish) Church of St. Batholomew and St. Vincent |
Calcinelli, PU | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Cartoceto, PU | Santa Maria della Misericordia (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy |
Cartoceto di Pergola, PU | Santi Pietro e Lucia (Parish) Church of St. Peter and St. Lucy |
Centinarola, PU | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Cerasa, PU | Divino Amore in Caminate e Cerasa (Parish) Church of the Divine Love |
Cuccurano, PU | San Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Fano, PU | Santa Maria Assunta (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish) Cathedral Basilica of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Fano, PU | San Paterniano (Minor Basilica, Conventual) Basilica of St. Paternian |
Fano, PU | Gran Madre di Dio (Parish) Church of the Great Mother of God |
Fano, PU | San Cristoforo (Parish) Church of St. Christopher |
Fano, PU | Santa Famiglia (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Fano, PU | San Francesco di Paola Church of St. Francis of Paola |
Fano, PU | San Giovanni Bosco (Shrine) Shrine of St. John Bosco |
Fano, PU | San Giuseppe al Porto (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Fano, PU | San Marco Church of St. Mark |
Fano, PU | Santa Maria del Carmine (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel |
Fano, PU | Santa Maria del Gonfalone Church of St. Mary |
Fano, PU | Santa Maria del Ponte Metauro (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Fano, PU | Santa Maria Goretti (Parish) Church of St. Maria Goretti |
Fano, PU | Santa Maria Nuova Church of St. Mary |
Fano, PU | San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Paul the Apostle |
Fano, PU | San Paolo Apostolo in Torrette (Parish) Church of St. Paul the Apostle |
Fano, PU | San Pietro in Episcopio Church of St. Peter |
Fano, PU | San Pietro in Valle Church of St. Peter |
Fano, PU | San Pio X (Parish) Church of St. Pius X |
Fano, PU | Santa Teresa Church of St. Teresa |
Fano, PU | San Tommaso Church of St. Thomas |
Fano, PU | Sant’Agostino Church of St. Augustine |
Fano, PU | Sant’Antonio Abate Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Fano, PU | Sant’Arcangelo Church of St. Michael |
Fenile, PU | Santi Pietro e Andrea Apostoli (Parish) Church of St. Peter and St. Andrew |
Fossombrone, PU | Santi Aldebrando e Agostino (Co-Cathedral, Parish) Co-Cathedral of St. Aldebrandus and St. Augustine |
Fossombrone, PU | Beato Benedetto Passionei (Shrine) Shrine of Blessed Benedetto da Urbino |
Fossombrone, PU | San Filippo Church of St. Philip |
Fossombrone, PU | Santa Maria Ausiliatrice (Parish) Church of Our Lady Help of Christians |
Fossombrone, PU | San Martino in San Martino del Piano (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Fossombrone, PU | Sant’Agostino Church of St. Augustine |
Fossombrone, PU | Sant’Antonio Abate in Borgo Sant’Antonio (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Fratte Rosa, PU | San Giorgio (Parish) Church of St. George |
Frontone, PU | Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Isola di Fano, PU | Santi Giovanni Battista, Michele e Vitale (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist, Michael and Vitalis |
Lucrezia di Cartoceto, PU | Sant’Apollinare (Parish) Church of St. Apollinarus |
Marche, PU | San Maurizio in Vergineto (Parish) Church of St. Maurice |
Marotta di Fano, PU | San Giovanni Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. John the Apostle |
Mondavio, PU | Santi Pietro e Paterniano (Parish) Church of St. Peter and St. Paternianus |
Montebello, PU | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Montefelcino, PU | Santi Pietro e Paolo, Marco e Severo (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, Mark and Severus |
Montegiano, PU | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Montemaggiore, PU | Santa Maria del Soccorso (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Help |
Nidastore, AN | San Sebastiano (Parish) Parrocchia Santa Maria Assunta Church of St. Sebastian |
Nidastore, AN | Sant’Anna Church of St. Anne |
Orciano di Pesaro, PU | Santa Maria (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Palazzo, AN | Santi Pietro e Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Peter and St. Stephen |
Palazzo, AN | Santissima Annunziata Church of the Holy Annunciation |
Pergola, PU | Sant’Andrea (Co-Cathedral, Parish) Co-Cathedral of St. Andrew |
Pergola, PU | Santa Barbara (Parish) Parrocchia Santa Maria Assunta Church of St. Barbara |
Pergola, PU | San Giacomo Church of St. James |
Pergola, PU | Santa Lucia Church of St. Lucy |
Pergola, PU | Santa Maria delle Tinte Church of St. Mary |
Pergola, PU | Santa Maria di Piazza Church of St. Mary |
Pergola, PU | Sant’Andrea Apostolo Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Pergola, PU | Santi Francesco e Biagio (Parish) Church of St. Francis and St. Blaise |
Piagge, PU | Santa Lucia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Pian di Rose, PU | Santa Maria del Rosario (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Rosary |
Pianello, PU | San Pietro in Massa (Parish, Monastery) Church of St. Peter |
Pianello di Cagli, PU | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Rosciano, PU | Santa Maria (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
San Cesareo, PU | San Cesareo (Parish) Church of St. Cesarius |
San Costanzo, PU | Santi Cristoforo e Costanzo (Parish) Church of St. Christopher and St. Constance |
San Giorgio di Pesaro, PU | Santi Giorgio e Pasquale (Parish) Church of St. George and St. Paschal |
San Giorgio di Pesaro, PU | Spirito Santo (Parish) Church of the Holy Spirit |
San Lorenzo in Campo, PU | San Lorenzo in Campo (Minor Basilica, Abbatial-Archpresbyteral Parish) Basilica of St. Lawrence |
San Michele al Fiume, PU | Regina della Pace (Parish) Church of the Queen of Peace |
San Vito sul Cesano, PU | San Vito (Parish) Church of St. Vitus |
Saltara, PU | San Giovanni Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. John the Apostle |
Sant’Andrea di Suasa, PU | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Sant’Ippolito, PU | San Giuseppe Church of St. Joseph |
Sant’Ippolito, PU | Sant’Ippolito (Parish) Church of St. Hippolytus |
Secchiano di Cagli, PU | Santi Cristoforo e Nicolò (Parish) Church of St. Christopher and St. Nicholas |
Serra Sant’Abbondio, PU | Santa Croce di Fonte Avellana (Minor Basilica) Basilica of the Holy Cross |
Serra Sant’Abbondio, PU | Sant’Abbondio (Parish) Parrocchia Santi Biagio e Abbondio Church of St. Abbondius |
Serravalle di Carda, PU | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Serrungarina, PU | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Smirra, PU | San Severo (Parish) Church of St. Severus |
Sorbolongo, PU | Santi Michele Arcangelo e Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Michael and St. Peter |
Sterpeti, PU | San Giuseppe Lavoratore (Parish) Church of St. Joseph the Worker |
Tavernelle, PU | Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Torre San Marco, PU | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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