Diocese of


Peru Peru


Bishop (2020.04.02 – ...):Bishop Cristóbal Bernardo Mejía Corral (70)Bishop Cristóbal Bernardo Mejía Corral (70)

Churches (19)

Piura (←), Loja (↑), Zamora (↗), Jaén en Perú (→), Chota (↘), Chiclayo (↓)
Cities (Piura)Churches (19) Ascending
PaimasIglesia Inmaculada Concepción Inmaculada Concepción (Parish) Locate
Church of the Immaculate Conception
SondorilloIglesia Niño Dios Niño Dios (Parish) Locate
Church of the Infant God
LalaquízIglesia Nuestra Señora del Carpinello Nuestra Señora del Carpinello (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady
AyabacaIglesia Nuestra Señora del Pilar Nuestra Señora del Pilar (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Santuario Señor Cautivo
Church of Our Lady of the Pillar
Shrine of the Captive Lord
ChulucanasCatedral Sagrada Familia Sagrada Familia (Cathedral) Locate
Cathedral of the Holy Family
La MatanzaIglesia San Agustín de Hipona San Agustín de Hipona (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Augustine of Hippo
HuarmacaIglesia Santa Ana Santa Ana (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Santuario Señor de la Exaltación
Church of St. Anne
Shrine of the Lord of the Exaltation
ChalacoIglesia San Fernando San Fernando (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Fernando
MorropónIglesia San Isidro San Isidro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Isidore
ChulucanasIglesia San José Obrero San José Obrero (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph the Worker
Buenos AiresIglesia San Juan Apóstol San Juan Apóstol (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Apostle
CanchaqueIglesia San Juan Bautista San Juan Bautista (Parish) Locate
Church of St. John the Baptist
SóndorIglesia San Miguel Arcángel San Miguel Arcángel (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Michael the Archangel
HuancabambaIglesia San Pedro San Pedro (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Santuario Virgen del Carmen
Church of St. Peter
Shrine of Our Lady of Carmel
ChulucanasIglesia San Ramón Nonato San Ramón Nonato (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Raymond Nonato
SalitralIglesia Santa Rosa de Lima Santa Rosa de Lima (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Rose of Lima
YamangoIglesia Santísimo Sacramento Santísimo Sacramento (Parish) Locate
Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Santo DomingoIglesia Santo Domingo de Guzmán Santo Domingo de Guzmán (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Dominic Guzman
SapillicaIglesia Virgen Pura y Limpia Virgen Pura y Limpia (Parish) Locate
Church of the Pure and Clean Virgin

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Diocese of Chulucanas

Special Churches in Peru

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