Diocese of


Peru Peru


Bishop (2022.05.18 – ...):Bishop Ángel Ernesto Zapata Bances, O.C.D. (65)Bishop Ángel Ernesto Zapata Bances, O.C.D. (65)

Churches (43)

All12345Campo NorteCampo CentroCampo Sud
Trujillo (↑), Huaraz (→), Huacho (↘)
Cities (Ancash) AscendingChurches (43)
CasmaIglesia Santa María Magdalena Santa María Magdalena (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Mary Magdalene
ChimboteCatedral Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San Pedro Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San Pedro (Cathedral) Locate
Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Peter
ChimboteIglesia Cristo Rey Cristo Rey (Parish) Locate
Church of Christ the King
ChimboteIglesia María Auxiliadora María Auxiliadora (Parish) Locate
Church of Mary Help of Christians
ChimboteIglesia María Estrella del Mar María Estrella del Mar (Parish) Locate
Church of Mary Star of the Sea
ChimboteSantuario Mariano Virgen de la Puerta Mariano Virgen de la Puerta (Shrine) Locate
Shrine of Our Lady of the Gate
ChimboteIglesia Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
ChimboteIglesia Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Parish) Locate
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
ChimboteIglesia San Carlos Borromeo San Carlos Borromeo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Charles Borromeo
ChimboteIglesia Santa Cruz Santa Cruz (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Cross
ChimboteIglesia San Francisco de Asís San Francisco de Asís (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
ChimboteIglesia San José Obrero San José Obrero (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Joseph the Worker
ChimboteIglesia San Juan Apóstol San Juan Apóstol Locate
Church of St. John the Apostle
ChimboteIglesia Santa María Reina Santa María Reina (Parish) Locate
Church of the Queen Mary
ChimboteIglesia San Martín de Porres San Martín de Porres (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Martin de Porres
ChimboteIglesia San Pablo San Pablo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Paul
ChimboteIglesia San Pedro San Pedro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
ChimboteIglesia Santa Rosa de Lima Santa Rosa de Lima (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Rose of Lima
ChimboteIglesia Santa Teresa de Ávila Santa Teresa de Ávila (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Teresa of Jesus
ChimboteIglesia Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Turibius
ChimboteIglesia Santos Mártires Santos Mártires (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Martyrs
ChimboteIglesia Señor de los Milagros Señor de los Milagros (Parish) Locate
Church of the Lord of Miracles
ChimboteIglesia Virgen Fiel Hija de Dios Padre Virgen Fiel Hija de Dios Padre (Parish) Locate
Church of the Faithful Virgin Daughter of God the Father
CoishcoIglesia Cristo Salvador Cristo Salvador (Parish) Locate
Church of Christ the Saviour
HuarmeyIglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
JimbeIglesia Santa Rosa Santa Rosa (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Rose
MacateIglesia Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Turibius
MoroIglesia Santo Domingo Santo Domingo (Parish, Shrine) Locate
Santuario del Rosario
Church of St. Dominic
NepeñaIglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Nuevo ChimboteIglesia Santísima Trinidad Santísima Trinidad (Parish) Locate
Church of the Most Holy Trinity
PamparomásIglesia Santiago Apóstol Santiago Apóstol (Parish) Locate
Church of St. James the Apostle
PariacotoIglesia Señor de Mayo Señor de Mayo (Parish) Locate
Church of the Lord of Mayo
Puerto CulebrasIglesia Señor de los Milagros Señor de los Milagros (Parish) Locate
Church of the Lord of Miracles
QuilloIglesia Nuestra Señora del Rosario Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Parish) Locate
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary
RinconadaIglesia Señor de la Agonía Señor de la Agonía (Parish) Locate
Church of the Lord of Agony
San JacintoIglesia San Jacinto San Jacinto (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Jacinto
SamancoIglesia San Pedro San Pedro (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Peter
SantaIglesia Señor Crucificado Señor Crucificado (Parish) Locate
Church of the Crucified Lord
SolidaridadIglesia Inmaculada Concepción Inmaculada Concepción (Parish) Locate
Church of the Immaculate Conception
SolidaridadIglesia Jesús de Nazaret Jesús de Nazaret Locate
Church of Jesus of Nazareth
SolidaridadIglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Locate
Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe
SolidaridadIglesia Sagrada Família Sagrada Família (Parish) Locate
Church of the Holy Family
SolidaridadIglesia San Luis Gonzaga San Luis Gonzaga (Parish) Locate
Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Last updated on 2024.12.13

See Also

Diocese of Chimbote

Special Churches in Peru

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