Bishop (2009.01.22 – ...): | Bishop Francesco Beschi (73) |
Cities (Lombardia) | Churches (426) |
Gandosso, BG | Annunciazione della Beata Vergine Maria (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Mariano al Brembo, BG | Beata Maria Vergine Addolorata Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Ascensione, BG | Beata Vergine Annunziata (Parish) Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation |
Petosino, BG | Beata Vergine del Buon Consiglio (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Good Counsel |
Bergamo, BG | Beata Vergine Immacolata (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin |
Azzano San Paolo, BG | Conversione di San Paolo (Parish) Church of the Conversion of St. Paul |
San Paolo d’Argon, BG | Conversione di San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Church of the Conversion of St. Paul |
Pagliaro, BG | Corpus Domini (Parish) Church of the Body of the Lord |
Calolziocorte, LC | Corpus Domini e San Giuseppe Operaio (Parish) Church of Corpus Christi |
Comenduno, BG | Cristo Re (Parish) Church of Christ the King |
Villaggio Santa Maria, BG | Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary |
Bergamo, BG | Invenzione della Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross |
Santa Croce, BG | Invenzione di Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross |
Pontida, BG | Madonna degli Angeli Church of Our Lady of the Angels |
Stezzano, BG | Madonna dei Campi (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Fields |
Villa di Serio, BG | Madonna del Buon Consiglio (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Good Counsel |
Almenno San Salvatore, BG | Madonna del Castello (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Castle |
Oneta, BG | Madonna del Frassino (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady |
San Maria del Sasso, BG | Madonna del Sasso (Parish, Shrine) Parrocchia Santa Maria Assunta e Sante Irene e Anatolia Shrine of Our Lady |
Bergamo, BG | Madonna della Neve (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Snow |
Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, BG | Madonna delle Caneve (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady |
Bonate Sopra, BG | Madonna delle Ghiaie (Shrine) Chapel of Our Lady of Ghiaie |
Ardesio, BG | Madonna delle Grazie (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of Graces |
Arcene, BG | Madonna delle Lacrime (Shrine) Shrine of Our Lady of the Tears |
Ponte Nossa, BG | Madonna delle Lacrime Incoronata (Parish, Shrine) Parrocchia Santa Maria Annunciata Shrine of Our Lady Crowned of the Tears |
Bergamo, BG | Madonna dello Spasimo Church of Our Lady |
Zingonia, BG | Maria Madre della Chiesa (Parish) Church of Mary Mother of the Church |
Bergamo, BG | Natività di Maria Santissima (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Sombreno, BG | Natività di Maria Santissima (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Bratto, BG | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Gorle, BG | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Grone, BG | Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary |
Monte di Nese, BG | Natività di Maria Vergine e Trasfigurazione di Nostro Signore (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary and the Trasfiguration |
Bergamo, BG | Sacro Cuore (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart |
Casale, BG | Sacro Cuore (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart |
Roncola, BG | Sacro Cuore (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart |
Bonate Sotto, BG | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Bruntino, BG | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Ponte della Selva, BG | Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Predore, BG | Sacro Cuore di Gesù e San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. John the Baptist |
Botta, BG | Sacro Cuore di Gesù e Sant’Egidio Abate (Parish) Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Egidius |
Brembo di Sforzatica, BG | Sacro Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Parish) Church of the Immaculate of Mary |
Bondo Petello, BG | Santa Barbara (Parish) Church of St. Barbara |
Brumano, BG | San Bartolomeo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew |
Almenno San Bartolomeo, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Boario di Gromo, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Branzi, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Cassiglio, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Chignolo d’Oneta, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Colere, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Cornalta, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Marne, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Olera, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Oltre il Colle, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Songavazzo, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle |
Ubiale, BG | San Bartolomeo Apostolo e San Bernardino Confessore (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew and St. Bernardine |
Somasca, LC | San Bartolomeo e San Girolamo Emiliani (Minor Basilica, Shrine, Parish) Basilica of St. Bartholomew and St. Jerome Emiliani |
Abbazia di Vall’Alta, BG | San Benedetto (Parish) Church of St. Benedict |
Bergamo, BG | San Bernardino Church of St. Bernardine |
Bondo Colzate, BG | San Bernardino (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine |
Cepino, BG | San Bernardino (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine |
Semonte, BG | San Bernardino (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine |
Lizzola, BG | San Bernardino da Siena (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine of Siena |
Luzzana, BG | San Bernardino da Siena (Parish) Church of St. Bernardine of Siena |
Bergamo, BG | San Bernardino in Pignolo Church of St. Bernardine |
Roncola, BG | San Bernardo (Parish) Church of St. Bernard |
Caprino Bergamasco, BG | San Biagio Vescovo e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Blaise |
Lorentino, LC | Santa Brigida e Immacolata Concezione di Maria Santissima (Parish) Church of St. Brigid and the Immaculate Conception |
Santa Brigida, BG | Santa Brigida Vergine (Parish) Church of St. Brigid |
Burligo, BG | San Carlo Borromeo (Parish) Church of St. Charles Borromeo |
Pognano, BG | San Carlo Borromeo (Parish) Church of St. Charles Borromeo |
Roncallo Gaggio, BG | San Carlo Borromeo (Parish) Church of St. Charles Borromeo |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Caterina (Parish) Church of St. Catherine |
Bergamo, BG | San Colombano (Parish) Church of St. Columban |
Parzanica, BG | San Colombano Abate (Parish) Church of St. Columban |
Gerosa, BG | Santa Croce (Parish) Church of the Holy Cross |
Calolziocorte, LC | Santa Famiglia (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Ghiaie, BG | Santa Famiglia (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Ponte Giurino, BG | Santa Famiglia (Parish) Church of the Holy Family |
Grassobbio, BG | Santa Famiglia di Nazareth (Parish) Parrocchia Sant’Alessandro Martire Church of the Holy Family of Nazareth |
Calusco d’Adda, BG | San Fedele Martire (Parish) Church of St. Fidelis of Como |
Villongo San Filastro, BG | San Filastro (Parish) Church of St. Philastrius |
Fuipiano al Brembo, BG | San Filippo e Giacomo Apostoli (Parish) Church of St. Philip and St. James |
Bergamo, BG | San Francesco d’Assisi (Parish) Church of St. Francis of Assisi |
Esmate, BG | San Gaudenzio Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Gaudentius |
Torre de’ Roveri, BG | San Gerolamo Dottore (Parish) Church of St. Jerome |
Pontida, BG | San Giacomo (Minor Basilica, Abbatial Parish) Parrocchia Santi Giacomo Apostolo e Giorgio Martire Basilica of St. James |
Cirano, BG | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Piazzatorre, BG | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Selino Alto, BG | San Giacomo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James the Apostle |
Gromo, BG | San Giacomo Apostolo e San Vincenzo Levita e Martire (Parish) Church of St. James and St. Vincent the Levite |
Averara, BG | San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James Major |
Castro, BG | San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James Major |
Peghera, BG | San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James Major |
Sedrina, BG | San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. James Major |
Lepreno, BG | San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo e Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. James Major and St. Alexender |
Ardesio, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Boltiere, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Costa di Mezzate, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Credaro, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Endine, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Fiorano al Serio, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Nese, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Orio al Serio, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Solza, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Treviolo, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Zandobbio, BG | San Giorgio Martire (Parish) Church of St. George the Martyr |
Ogna, BG | San Giovanni Apostolo ed Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist |
Albegno, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Bagnatica, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Bani, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Bergamo, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Carona, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Casnigo, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Dossena, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Frerola, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Fuipiano Valle Imagna, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Madone, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Malpaga, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Mezzoldo, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Mozzo, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Palazzago, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Poscante, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
San Giovanni nei Boschi, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Stezzano, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Telgate, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Valmaggiore, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Vigano San Martino, BG | San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist |
Val Brembilla, BG | San Giovanni Battista e Presentazione di Maria Santissima al Tempio (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist and the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple |
Almè, BG | San Giovanni Battista e Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist and St. Mary of the Assumption |
Bergamo, BG | San Giovanni XXIII (Seminary) Episcopal Seminary of St. John XXIII |
Rinnovata, BG | San Giovanni XXIII Church of St. John XXIII |
Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, BG | San Giovanni XXIII (Parish, Shrine) Parrocchia San Giovanni Battista Shrine of St. John XXIII |
Albino, BG | San Giuliano (Parish) Church of St. Julian |
Bergamo, BG | San Giuseppe Church of St. Joseph |
Dalmine, BG | San Giuseppe (Parish) Church of St. Joseph |
Clusone, BG | San Giuseppe Artigiano (Parish) Church of St. Joseph the Worker |
Ghiaie, BG | San Giuseppe e Beata Vergine di Lourdes Church of St. Joseph and Our Lady of Lourdes |
Azzonica, BG | San Giuseppe Sposo di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Bergamo, BG | San Giuseppe Sposo di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Clanezzo, BG | San Gottardo (Parish) Church of St. Gotthard |
Laxolo, BG | San Gottardo (Parish) Church of St. Gotthard |
Torre de’ Busi, LC | San Gottardo (Parish) Church of St. Gotthard |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Grata inter Vites (Parish) Church of St. Grata |
San Gregorio, BG | San Gregorio (Parish) Church of St. Gregory |
Bergamo, BG | San Gregorio Barbarigo (Parish) Church of St. Gregory Barbarigo |
Bergamo, BG | San Lazzaro Church of St. Lazarus |
Cenate San Leone, BG | San Leone Papa (Parish) Church of St. Leo I |
Lurano, BG | San Lino (Parish) Church of St. Linus |
Bergamo, BG | San Lorenzo alla Boccola Church of St. Lawrence |
Ghisalba, BG | San Lorenzo Levita e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Levite |
Alzano Sopra, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Bergamo, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Bondione, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Calepio, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Capizzone, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Costa Serina, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Mariano al Brembo, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Mologno, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Rossino, LC | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
San Lorenzo di Rovetta, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Sola di Fara Olivana, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Zogno, BG | San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr |
Ambriola, BG | Santa Lucia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Lucia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Cornale, BG | Santa Lucia (Parish) Church of St. Lucy |
Bergamo, BG | San Marco Church of St. Mark |
Cavernago, BG | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Foresto Sparso, BG | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Valsecca, BG | San Marco Evangelista (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Brusaporto, BG | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Cusio, BG | Santa Margherita (Parish) Church of St. Margaret |
Comenduno, BG | Santa Maria Church of St. Mary |
Cividino, BG | Santa Maria Addolorata (Parish) Church of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Serina, BG | Santa Maria Annunciata (Parish) Church of the Annunciation of Mary |
Gandino, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Minor Basilica, Parish) Basilica of Mary of the Assumption |
Bagnella, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Bonate Sopra, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Brembate di Sopra, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Calcinate, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Camerata Cornello, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Celana, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Chiuduno, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Cologno al Serio, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Curno, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Endenna, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Erve, LC | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Foppolo, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Grumello de’ Zanchi, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Locatello, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Medolago, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Oneta, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Onore, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Paratico, BS | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Piazzolo, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Ranzanico, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Rosciate, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Solto Collina, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Valcanale, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Valtorta, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Vertova, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Vigolo, BG | Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
San Gallo, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e San Gallo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Gallus |
Romano di Lombardia, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. James Major |
Vall’Alta, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e San Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of ther Assumption and St. James |
Clusone, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e San Giovanni Battista (Minor Basilica, Parish) Basilica of Mary of the Assumption and St. John the Baptist |
Borgo di Terzo, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Michael the Archangel |
Filago, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Roch |
Gazzaniga, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e Sant’Ippolito Martire (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Hyppolitus |
Vilminore di Scalve, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e Santi Pietro Apostolo e Gottardo (Parish) Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, St. Peter and St. Gotthard |
Valgoglio, BG | Santa Maria Assunta e Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of St. Mary of ther Assumption and Sts. Peter and Paul |
Sforzatica d’Oleno, BG | Santa Maria d’Oleno (Parish) Church of St. Mary |
Selvino, BG | Santa Maria della Salute Church of Our Lady of Health |
Carenno, LC | Santa Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of St. Mary Immaculate |
Selino Basso, BG | Santa Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of St. Mary Immaculate |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Maria Immacolata delle Grazie (Parish) Church of St. Mary Immaculate of Graces |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Maria Immacolata e San Vittore Martire (Parish) Church of St. Mary Immaculate and St. Victor |
Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, BG | Santa Maria in Brusicco Church of St. Mary |
Tavernola Bergamasca, BG | Santa Maria Maddalena (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Zambla, BG | Santa Maria Maddalena e Santa Maria Immacolata (Parish) Church of St. Mary Magdalene and St. Mary Immaculate |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica of St. Mary Major |
Gromo San Marino, BG | Santa Maria Nascente (Parish) Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Cenate San Martino, BG | San Martino (Parish) Church of St. Martin |
Alzano Lombardo, BG | San Martino di Tours (Minor Basilica, Priory-Parish) Basilica of St. Martin of Tours |
Calolziocorte, LC | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Carvico, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Entratico, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Gandellino, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Gorno, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Nembro, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Piazza Brembana, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Sarnico, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Sovere, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Torre Boldone, BG | San Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Martin the Bishop |
Bergamo, BG | San Massimiliano Kolbe (Parish) Parrocchia Beata Vergine Maria di Loreto Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe |
Villa d’Ogna, BG | San Matteo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Matthew the Apostle |
Moio de’ Calvi, BG | San Mattia Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Matthias |
Colzate, BG | San Maurizio Martire (Parish) Church of St. Maurice |
Bedulita, BG | San Michele (Parish) Church of St. Michael |
Torre de’ Busi, LC | San Michele Church of St. Michael |
Arcene, BG | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Leffe, BG | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Mapello, BG | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
San Felice al Lago, BG | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Valnegra, BG | San Michele Arcangelo (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Ramera, BG | San Michele Arcangelo e Madonna del Carmine (Parish) Church of St. Michael and Our Lady of Carmel |
Torre de’ Busi, LC | San Michele Arcangelo e San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. Michael the Archangel and St. John the Baptist |
Valpiana, BG | San Michele Arcangelo e San Gottardo Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Michael and St. Gotthard |
Sabbio, BG | San Michele Arcangelo e Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Church of St. Michael and the Holy Redeemer |
Riva di Solto, BG | San Nicola da Bari Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas of Bari |
Barzizza, BG | San Nicola Vescovo e San Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas and St. Lawrence |
Cividate al Piano, BG | San Nicolò (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Zanica, BG | San Nicolò Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Nicholas |
Bergamo, BG | San Pancrazio Church of St. Pancras |
Carobbio degli Angeli, BG | San Pancrazio Martire (Parish) Church of St. Pancratius |
Gorlago, BG | San Pancrazio Martire (Parish) Church of St. Pancratius |
Negrone, BG | San Pantaleone Martire (Parish) Church of St. Pantaleon |
Bergamo, BG | San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Paul the Apostle |
Monte Marenzo, LC | San Paolo Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Paul the Apostle |
San Pellegrino Terme, BG | San Pellegrino (Parish) Church of St. Peregrin |
Bolgare, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Chignolo d’Isola, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Cicola, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Cornalba, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Desenzano, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Parre, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Ponte San Pietro, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Romano di Lombardia, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
San Pietro d’Orzio, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Scanzorosciate, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Sorisole, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Tagliuno, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Trescore Balneario, BG | San Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Peter the Apostle |
Sorisole, BG | San Pietro in Vinculis Church of St. Peter in Chains |
Bergamo, BG | San Pio X (Parish) Church of St. Pius X |
Adrara San Rocco, BG | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Albenza, BG | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Barzana, BG | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Bergamo, BG | San Rocco Church of St. Roch |
Bianzano, BG | San Rocco (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Bergamo, BG | San Rocco Confessore (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Bergamo, BG | San Rocco Confessore (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Cenate San Rocco, BG | San Rocco Confessore (Parish) Church of St. Roch |
Almenno San Salvatore, BG | San Salvatore (Parish) Church of the Holy Saviour |
Bergamo, BG | San Salvatore Church of the Holy Saviour |
Comun Nuovo, BG | San Salvatore (Parish) Church of the Holy Saviour |
Bergamo, BG | San Sisto Papa e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Sixtus |
Bergamo, BG | Santa Teresa di Lisieux (Parish) Church of St. Therese of Lisieux |
Bergamo, BG | San Tommaso Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Thomas the Apostle |
Cerete Basso, BG | San Vincenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Vincent the Martyr |
Bottanuco, BG | San Vittore Martire (Parish) Church of St. Victor the Martyr |
Gaverina Terme, BG | San Vittore Martire (Parish) Church of St. Victor the Martyr |
Terno d’Isola, BG | San Vittore Martire (Parish) Church of St. Victor the Martyr |
Ambivere, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Cene, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Cisano Bergamasco, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Osio Sopra, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Osio Sotto, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Pianico, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Valtrighe, BG | San Zenone (Parish) Church of St. Zeno |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Agata nel Carmine Church of St. Agatha |
Martinengo, BG | Sant’Agata Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Agatha |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Agostino Former Monastery of St. Augustine |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Alessandro della Croce (Parish) Church of St. Alexander of the Cross |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Alessandro in Colonna (Cathedral, Minor Basilica, Parish) Cathedral Basilica of St. Alexander |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Alessandro in Colonna (Minor Basilica, Parish) Basilica of St. Alexander |
Capriate d’Adda, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Alexander the Martyr |
Castione della Presolana, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Alexander the Martyr |
Cortenuova, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Alexander the Martyr |
Paladina, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Alexander the Martyr |
Prezzate, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Alexander the Martyr |
Villongo Sant’Alessandro, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Alexander the Martyr |
Viadanica, BG | Sant’Alessandro Martire e San Giovanni Battista (Parish) Church of St. Alexander and St. John the Baptist |
Ornica, BG | Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Church of St. Ambrose |
Verdellino, BG | Sant’Ambrogio (Parish) Church of St. Ambrose |
Cazzano Sant’Andrea, BG | Sant’Andrea (Parish) Church of St. Andrew |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Bracca, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Fino del Monte, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Mornico, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Premolo, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Sforzatica, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Strozza, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Suisio, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Villa d’Adda, BG | Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Selva, BG | Sant’Anna (Parish) Church of St. Anne |
Locate Bergamasco, BG | Sant’Antonino Martire (Parish) Church of St. Antoninus the Martyr |
Berbenno, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Botta di Sedrina, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Cantoni d’Oneta, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Fiumenero, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Lonno, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Monte Grone, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Olmo al Brembo, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Piario, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Piazza, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Sant’Antonio d’Adda, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Vedeseta, BG | Sant’Antonio Abate (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Cassinone, BG | Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Fiobbio, BG | Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Gavarno, BG | Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish, Shrine) Shrine of St. Anthony of Padua |
Peia, BG | Sant’Antonio di Padova (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Ambria, BG | Sant’Antonio di Padova e Sant’Alessandro Martire (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Alexander |
Montello, BG | Sant’Elisabetta (Parish) Church of St. Elizabeth |
Trafficanti, BG | Sant’Erasmo Vescovo e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Erasmus |
Bergamo, BG | Sant’Eufemia Church of St. Euphemia |
Pedrengo, BG | Sant’Evasio Vescovo e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Evasius |
Mazzoleni, BG | Sant’Omobono (Parish) Church of St. Homobonus |
Ponteranica, BG | Santi Alessandro e Vincenzo Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Alexander and St. Vincent |
Sant’Antonio Abbandonato, BG | Santi Antonio Abate e Gaetano Confessore (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot and St. Cajetan |
Rigosa, BG | Santi Antonio Abate e Pietro Apostolo (Parish) Church of St. Anthony the Abbot and St. Peter the Apostle |
Schilpario, BG | Santi Antonio di Padova e Marco Evangelista e del Santissimo Corpo di Cristo (Parish) Church of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Mark |
Bergamo, BG | Santi Bartolomeo e Stefano Church of St. Bartholomew and St. Stephen |
Lallio, BG | Santi Bartolomeo e Stefano (Parish) Church of St. Bartholomew and St. Stephen |
Nasolino, BG | Santi Bernardo da Mentone e Margherita Vergine e Martire (Parish) Church of St. Bernard of Mentone and St. Margaret |
Albano Sant’Alessandro, BG | Santi Cornelio e Cipriano Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian |
Calolziocorte, LC | Santi Cosma e Damiano (Parish) Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian |
Scano al Brembo, BG | Santi Cosma e Damiano Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian |
Pradalunga, BG | Santi Cristoforo e Vincenzo Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Christopher and St. Vincent |
Fonteno, BG | Santi Faustino e Giovita (Parish) Church of Sts. Faustinus and Jovita |
Brembate, BG | Santi Faustino e Giovita Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Faustinus and Jovita |
Villa d’Almè, BG | Santi Faustino e Giovita Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Faustinus and Jovita |
Berzo San Fermo, BG | Santi Fermo e Rustico (Parish) Church of St. Firmus and St. Rusticus |
Presezzo, BG | Santi Fermo e Rustico Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Fermus and St. Rusticus |
Cerete Alto, BG | Santi Filippo e Giacomo (Parish) Church of Sts. Philip and James |
Selvino, BG | Santi Filippo e Giacomo Apostoli (Parish) Church of St. Philip and St. James |
Azzone, BG | Santi Filippo e Giacomo Apostoli, Maria Maddalena e Rocco (Parish) Church of Sts. Philip and James, Mary Magdalene and Roch |
Vercurago, LC | Santi Gervasio e Protasio (Parish) Church of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius |
Bariano, BG | Santi Gervasio e Protasio Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius |
Carpriate San Gervasio, BG | Santi Gervasio e Protasio Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius |
Spirano, BG | Santi Gervasio e Protasio Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Gervasius and Protasius |
Somendenna, BG | Santi Giacomo Maggiore Apostolo e Marco Evangelista e San Salvatore (Parish) Church of St. James Major and St. Mark the Evangelist |
San Giovanni Bianco, BG | Santi Giovanni Apostolo ed Evangelista, e Antonino Abate (Parish) Church of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist and St. Anthony the Abbot |
Sottochiesa, BG | Santi Giovanni Battista, Pietro e Paolo Apostoli e Ambrogio Dottore (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist and Sts. Peter and Paul |
Aviatico, BG | Santi Giovanni Battista e Bernardino, San Salvatore e Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of St. John the Baptist, Bernardine, the Holy Saviour and St. Mary of the Assumption |
Zorzino, BG | Santi Ippolito e Cassiano Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Hippolytus and St. Cassian |
Ciserano, BG | Santi Marco Evangelista e Martino Vescovo (Parish) Church of St. Mark the Evangelist and St. Martin |
Pieia San Marco, LC | Santi Marco Evangelista e Rocco Confessore e Santa Maria delle Vittorie (Parish) Church of St. Mark and St. Roch |
Trabuchello, BG | Santi Margherita Vergine e Lorenzo Martire (Parish) Church of St. Margaret and St. Lawrence |
Adrara San Martino, BG | Santi Martino, Carlo Borromeo e Natività della Beata Vergine (Parish) Church of St. Martin, St. Charles Borromeo and the Nativity of Mary |
Curnasco, BG | Santi Nazario e Celso (Parish) Church of Sts. Nazarius and Celsus |
Pagazzano, BG | Santi Nazario e Celso Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Nazarius and Celsus |
Urgnano, BG | Santi Nazario e Celso Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Nazarius and Celsus |
Roncobello, BG | Santi Pietro, Paolo e Giacomo Apostoli, e Santa Maria Assunta (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul, St. James and Our Lady of the Assumption |
Bergamo, BG | Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Grignano, BG | Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Levate, BG | Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Spinone al Lago, BG | Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Valleve, BG | Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Verdello, BG | Santi Pietro e Paolo Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Pezzolo, BG | Santi Rocco, Giacomo e Michele Arcangelo e Natività di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of St. Roch, St. James, St. Michael and the Nativity of Mary |
Gromlongo, BG | Santi Rocco Confessore e Sebastiano Martire (Parish) Church of St. Roch and St. Sebastian |
Ranica, BG | Santi Sette Fratelli Martiri (Parish) Church of the Seven Holy Brothers |
Corna Imagna, BG | Santi Simone e Giuda Apostoli (Parish) Church of Sts. Simon and Jude the Apostles |
Rota Fuori, BG | Santi Siro e Gottardo Vescovi (Parish) Church of St. Syrus and St. Gotthard |
Guzzanica, BG | Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenza Martiri (Parish) Church of St. Vitus, Modest and Crescentia |
Ossanesga, BG | Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenza Martiri (Parish) Church of Sts. Vitus, Modestus and Crescentia |
Blello, BG | Santissima Annunciata (Parish) Church of the Holy Annunciation |
Dorga, BG | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Gavarno Vescovado, BG | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Grumello del Monte, BG | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Orezzo, BG | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Rova, BG | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Zorzone, BG | Santissima Trinità (Parish) Church of the Holy Trinity |
Vilmaggiore, BG | Santissima Trinità e Sant’Andrea Apostolo (Parish, Shrine) Santuario della Santissima Trinità Shrine of the Holy Trinity |
Crespi d’Adda, BG | Santissimo Nome di Maria (Parish) Church of the Most Name of Mary |
Seriate, BG | Santissimo Redentore (Parish) Church of the Holy Redeemer |
Monasterolo del Castello, BG | Santissimo Salvatore (Parish) Church of the Holy Saviour |
Morengo, BG | Santissimo Salvatore (Parish) Church of the Holy Saviour |
Seriate, BG | Santo Papa Giovanni XXIII Church of Pope St. John XXIII |
Bergamo, BG | Santo Spirito Church of the Holy Spirit |
Carobbio, BG | Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Fara Olivana, BG | Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Stabello, BG | Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Villa di Serio, BG | Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Villasola, BG | Santo Stefano Protomartire (Parish) Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Dossello, BG | Sposalizio di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Marriage of the Virgin Mary |
Rosciano, BG | Trasfigurazione di Gesù Cristo (Parish) Church of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ |
Rovetta, BG | Tutti i Santi (Parish) Church of All Saints |
Bottanuco, BG | Visitazione di Maria Santissima (Parish) Church of the Visitation of Mary |
Costa Valle Imagna, BG | Visitazione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Visitation of Mary |
Sellere, BG | Visitazione di Maria Vergine (Parish) Church of the Visitation of Mary |
Sotto il Monte Giovanni XXIII, BG | (Seminario P.I.M.E.) (Seminary) Seminary of PIME |
Last updated on 2024.12.13
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