Diocese of




Bishop (2014.02.11 – ...):Bishop Edward Bernard Scharfenberger (76)Bishop Edward Bernard Scharfenberger (76)

Churches (166)

Scranton (↙), Syracuse (←), Ogdensburg (↑), Burlington (↗), Springfield in Massachusetts (→), Hartford (↘), New York (↓)
Cities (New York)Churches (158) Ascending
AlbanyChurch of All Saints All Saints Locate
IlionChurch of the Annunciation Annunciation Locate
AlbanyChurch of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Locate
Bolton LandingChurch of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Locate
HagueChurch of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Locate
MohawkChurch of the Blessed Sacrament Blessed Sacrament Locate
LoudonvilleChurch of Christ Our Light Christ Our Light Locate
TroyChurch of Christ Sun of Justice Christ Sun of Justice Locate
AlbanyChurch of Christ the King Christ the King Locate
Round LakeChurch of Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Locate
MorrisChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
SalemChurch of the Holy Cross Holy Cross Locate
DownsvilleChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
Little FallsChurch of the Holy Family Holy Family Locate
CorinthChurch of the Holy Mother and Child Holy Mother and Child Locate
Lake LuzerneChurch of the Holy Mother and Child Holy Mother and Child Locate
East GreenbushChurch of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Locate
GloversvilleChurch of the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit Locate
CohoesChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
JohnstownChurch of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Locate
AlbanyCathedral of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception (Cathedral) Locate
GlenvilleChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
Haines FallsChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
Hoosick FallsChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
New LebanonChurch of the Immaculate Conception Immaculate Conception Locate
WatervlietChurch of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary Locate
AlbanyChurch of Mater Christi Mater Christi Locate
LinlithgoChapel of the Nativity Nativity Locate
SchuylervilleChurch of Notre Dame-Visitation Notre Dame-Visitation Locate
SchenectadyChurch of Our Lady, Queen of Peace Our Lady, Queen of Peace Locate
DelansonChurch of Our Lady of Fatima Our Lady of Fatima Locate
Ballston LakeChurch of Our Lady of Grace Our Lady of Grace Locate
Copake FallsChurch of Our Lady of Hope Our Lady of Hope Locate
Fort PlainChurch of Our Lady of Hope Our Lady of Hope Locate
WhitehallChurch of Our Lady of Hope Our Lady of Hope Locate
East DurhamShrine of Our Lady of Knock Our Lady of Knock (Shrine) Locate
AuriesvilleNational Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs Our Lady of Martyrs (National Shrine) Locate
SchenectadyChurch of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Our Lady of Mount Carmel Locate
AlbanyChurch of Our Lady of the Americas Our Lady of the Americas Locate
QueensburyChurch of Our Lady of the Annunciation Our Lady of the Annunciation Locate
LathamChurch of Our Lady of the Assumption Our Lady of the Assumption Locate
MiddleburghChurch of Our Lady of the Valley Our Lady of the Valley Locate
TroyChurch of Our Lady of Victory Our Lady of Victory Locate
FrankfortChurch of Our Lady Queen of Apostles Our Lady Queen of Apostles Locate
GermantownChurch of the Resurrection Resurrection Locate
Holy Trinity Parish
EdmestonShrine of Rosa Mystica Rosa Mystica (Shrine) Locate
BerlinChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Parish of Our Lady of the Snow
CairoChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Castleton-on-HudsonChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Lake GeorgeChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
MargaretvilleChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
PalenvilleChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
SidneyChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
StamfordChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
Tribes HillChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
TroyChurch of the Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Locate
AlbanyChurch of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Adalbert St. Adalbert Locate
LathamChurch of St. Ambrose St. Ambrose Locate
AndesMission of St. Ann St. Ann Locate
Fort AnnChurch of St. Ann St. Ann Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Anthony St. Anthony Locate
HerkimerChurch of Sts. Anthony and Joseph Sts. Anthony and Joseph Locate
TroyChurch of St. Anthony of Padua St. Anthony of Padua Locate
TroyChurch of St. Augustine St. Augustine Locate
FondaChurch of St. Cecilia St. Cecilia Locate
WarrensburgChurch of St. Cecilia St. Cecilia Locate
ColonieChurch of St. Clare St. Clare Locate
Saratoga SpringsChurch of St. Clement St. Clement Locate
Clifton ParkChurch of St. Edward the Confessor St. Edward the Confessor Locate
HerkimerChurch of St. Francis de Sales St. Francis de Sales Locate
LexingtonChurch of St. Francis de Sales St. Francis de Sales Locate
AlbanyChurch of St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi Locate
NorthvilleChurch of St. Francis of Assisi St. Francis of Assisi Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Gabriel the Archangel St. Gabriel the Archangel Locate
Averill ParkChurch of St. Henry St. Henry Locate
ChestertownChurch of St. Isaac Jogues St. Isaac Jogues Locate
Saratoga LakeChurch of St. Isaac Jogues St. Isaac Jogues Locate
Parish of All Saints on the Hudson
ChathamChurch of St. James St. James Locate
North CreekChurch of St. James St. James Locate
MenandsChurch of St. Joan of Arc St. Joan of Arc Locate
GraftonChurch of St. John Francis Regis St. John Francis Regis Locate
Parish of Our Lady of the Snow
GreenvilleChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
NewportChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
ValatieChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
WaltonChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. John the Evangelist St. John the Evangelist Locate
RensselaerChurch of St. John the Evangelist and St. Joseph St. John the Evangelist and St. Joseph Locate
AshlandChapel of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
BroadalbinChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
DolgevilleChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Fort EdwardChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
Greenfield CenterChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
GreenwichChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
ScotiaChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
StephentownChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
StottvilleChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
StuyvesantChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
TroyChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
WorcesterChurch of St. Joseph St. Joseph Locate
AmsterdamChurch of St. Joseph–St. Michael the Archangel–Our Lady of Mount Carmel St. Joseph–St. Michael the Archangel–Our Lady of Mount Carmel Locate
Richfield SpringsParish of St. Joseph the Worker St. Joseph the Worker Locate
West WinfieldParish of St. Joseph the Worker St. Joseph the Worker Locate
WynantskillChurch of St. Jude the Apostle St. Jude the Apostle Locate
FondaNational Shrine of St. Kateri Tekakwitha St. Kateri Tekakwitha (National Shrine) Locate
SchenectadyParish of St. Kateri Tekakwitha St. Kateri Tekakwitha Locate
SchenectadyParish of St. Kateri Tekakwitha St. Kateri Tekakwitha Locate
AltamontChurch of St. Lucy–St. Bernadette St. Lucy–St. Bernadette Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Luke St. Luke Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Madeleine Sophie St. Madeleine Sophie Locate
Rotterdam JunctionChurch of St. Margaret of Cortona St. Margaret of Cortona Locate
AlbanyChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
AmsterdamChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Ballston SpaChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
CooperstownChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
CoxsackieChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
CrescentChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
GalwayChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Glens FallsChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
GranvilleChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
HudsonChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Holy Trinity Parish
NassauChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
OneontaChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
RensselaerChurch of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
SchenectadyFormer Church of St. Mary St. Mary Locate
Huletts LandingChurch of St. Mary of the Assumption St. Mary of the Assumption Locate
WaterfordChurch of St. Mary of the Assumption St. Mary of the Assumption Locate
Lake GeorgeChurch of St. Mary’s of the Lake St. Mary’s of the Lake Locate
HunterChurch of St. Mary’s of the Mountain St. Mary’s of the Mountain Locate
Hudson FallsChurch of St. Mary–St. Paul St. Mary–St. Paul Locate
VoorheesvilleChurch of St. Matthew St. Matthew Locate
CohoesChurch of St. Michael St. Michael Locate
South Glens FallsChurch of St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel Locate
TroyChurch of St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel Locate
AthensChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
CambridgeChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
CatskillChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
RavenaChurch of St. Patrick St. Patrick Locate
MechanicvilleChurch of St. Paul St. Paul Locate
Parish of All Saints on the Hudson
Rock City FallsChurch of St. Paul St. Paul Locate
HancockChurch of St. Paul the Apostle St. Paul the Apostle Locate
SchenectadyChurch of St. Paul the Apostle St. Paul the Apostle Locate
DelhiChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
Saratoga SpringsChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
StillwaterChurch of St. Peter St. Peter Locate
Parish of All Saints on the Hudson
Grand GorgeMission of St. Philip Neri St. Philip Neri Locate
LoudonvilleChurch of St. Pius X St. Pius X Locate
AmsterdamChurch of St. Stanislaus St. Stanislaus Locate
HagamanChurch of St. Stephen St. Stephen Locate
WindhamChurch of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Locate
GansevoortChapel of St. Therese St. Therese Locate
Cherry ValleyChurch of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle Locate
DelmarChurch of St. Thomas the Apostle St. Thomas the Apostle Locate
AlbanyChurch of St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Locate
CobleskillChurch of St. Vincent de Paul St. Vincent de Paul Locate
SchaghticokeParish of the Transfiguration Transfiguration Locate
TroyParish of the Transfiguration Transfiguration Locate
CitiesOther Churches Within the Diocesan Territory (8) Ascending
TroyChurch of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Ukrainian) Locate
WatervlietChurch of St. Ann St. Ann (Maronite) Locate
HunterChurch of St. John the Baptist St. John the Baptist (Ukrainian) Locate
AmsterdamChurch of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas (Ukrainian) Locate
HudsonChurch of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas (Ukrainian) Locate
WatervlietChurch of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas (Ukrainian) Locate
CohoesChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul (Ukrainian) Locate
GranvilleChurch of Sts. Peter and Paul Sts. Peter and Paul (Ruthenian) Locate

Last updated on 2025.02.13

See Also

Diocese of Albany

All Churches in USA

Special Churches in USA

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