Jubilee Shrines in South Korea (2016)

Churches with Doors of Mercy designated by local Ordinaries

교구별 자비의 희년 순례성당

South Korea
Diocese of Andong 안동교구
1Andong 안동시, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Mokseong-dong Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Mokseong-dong Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Locate
2Sangju 상주시, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Seomundong Church Seomundong Church Locate
서문동 성당
Diocese of Busan 부산교구
3Busan 부산시, Busan-gwangyeoksi 부산광역시Namcheon Cathedral of St. Paul Chong Hasang Namcheon Cathedral of St. Paul Chong Hasang Locate
성 정하상 바오로 남천성당
4Busan 부산시, Busan-gwangyeoksi 부산광역시Jung-ang Co-Cathedral of the Holy Cross Jung-ang Co-Cathedral of the Holy Cross Locate
성 십자가 중앙 성당의
5Oryundae 오륜대로, Busan-gwangyeoksi 부산광역시Oryundae Martyrs Shrine Oryundae Martyrs Shrine Locate
오륜대 순교자 성지
6Ulsan 울산시, Ulsan-gwangyeoksi 울산광역시Boksan Church Boksan Church Locate
복산 성당
7Ulsan 울산시, Ulsan-gwangyeoksi 울산광역시Ulsan Byeongyeong Martyr’s Shrine Ulsan Byeongyeong Martyr’s Shrine Locate
울산병영 순교 성지
Diocese of Cheongju 청주교구
8Cheongju 청주시, Chungcheongbuk-do 충청북도Naedeok-dong Cathedral of the Holy Family Naedeok-dong Cathedral of the Holy Family Locate
내덕동 주교좌 성당
9Sampung 삼풍리, Chungcheongbuk-do 충청북도Yeonpung Martyrs Shrine Yeonpung Martyrs Shrine Locate
연풍 순교 성지
10Wangjang 왕장리, Chungcheongbuk-do 충청북도Gamgok Church Gamgok Church Locate
감곡 성당
11Yangbaek 양백리, Chungcheongbuk-do 충청북도Baeti Martyr Shrine Baeti Martyr Shrine Locate
배티 순교 성지
Diocese of Chuncheon 춘천교구
12Chuncheon 춘천시, Gangwon-do 강원도Jungnim-dong Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Jungnim-dong Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
죽림동 주교좌 성당
13Chuncheon 춘천시, Gangwon-do 강원도Gomsil Church Gomsil Church Locate
곰실 성당
14Gangneung 강릉시, Gangwon-do 강원도Imdangdong Church Imdangdong Church Locate
임당동 성당
15Huimang-ri 희망리, Gangwon-do 강원도Hongcheon Church Hongcheon Church Locate
홍천 성당
16Pocheon 포천시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Pocheon Martyrdom Shrine Pocheon Martyrdom Shrine Locate
포천 순교 성지
17Seongnae-ri 성내리, Gangwon-do 강원도Yangyang Shrine Yangyang Shrine Locate
양양 성지
18Sindae-ri 신대리, Gangwon-do 강원도Pallotine Church Pallotine Church Locate
Archdiocese of Daejeon 대구대교구
19Buk 북면, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Seonggeosan Shrine Seonggeosan Shrine Locate
성거산 성지
20Daeheung 대흥면, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Daeheungbongsusan Martyrdom Shrine Daeheungbongsusan Martyrdom Shrine Locate
대흥봉수산 순교 성지
21Daejeon 대전시, Daejeon-gwangyeoksi 대전광역시Daeheung-dong Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker Daeheung-dong Cathedral of St. Joseph the Worker Locate
대흥동 주교좌 성당
22Dangjin 당진시, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Solmoe Shrine Solmoe Shrine Locate
23Dangjin 당진시, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Hapdeok Church Hapdeok Church Locate
합덕 성당
24Gongju 공주시, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Surichigol Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows Surichigol Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows Locate
수리치골 성지
25Gongju 공주시, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Storksaebawi Martyrdom Shrine Storksaebawi Martyrdom Shrine Locate
황새바위 순교 성지
26Haemi 해미, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도International Shrine of Haemi Martyrs International Shrine of Haemi Martyrs Locate
천주교 해미 순교 성지
27Hapdeok 합덕읍, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Sinri Shrine Sinri Shrine Locate
신리 성지
28Hongseong 홍성읍, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Hongseong Hongju Shrine Hongseong Hongju Shrine Locate
홍성홍주 성지
29Inju 인주면, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Gongse-ri Church Gongse-ri Church Locate
공세리 성당
30Jinsan 진산면, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Jinsan Shrine Jinsan Shrine Locate
진산 성지
31Mansu 만수리, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Habu Naepo Shrine Habu Naepo Shrine Locate
하부내포 성지
32Nongam 농암리, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Darakgol Shrine Darakgol Shrine Locate
다락골 성지
33Sinam 신암면, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Yeosaul Shrine Yeosaul Shrine Locate
여사울 성지
34Yeongbo 영보리, Chungcheongnam-do 충청남도Galmaemos Martyr Shrine Galmaemos Martyr Shrine Locate
갈매못 순교 성지
Diocese of Daegu 대전교구
35Daegu 대구시, Daegu-gwangyeoksi 대구광역시Gyesan-dong Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes Gyesan-dong Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes Locate
계산동 성당
36Daegu 대구시, Daegu-gwangyeoksi 대구광역시Beomeo Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi Beomeo Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi Locate
주교좌 범어대 성당
37Daegu 대구시, Daegu-gwangyeoksi 대구광역시Shrine of Gwandeokjeong Martyrs Shrine of Gwandeokjeong Martyrs Locate
관덕정 순교 기념관
38Daegu 대구시, Daegu-gwangyeoksi 대구광역시Grotto of the Immaculate Conception Grotto of the Immaculate Conception Locate
39Daegu 대구시, Daegu-gwangyeoksi 대구광역시Bogja Church Bogja Church Locate
복자 성당
40Dongmyeong-myeon 동명면, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Shrine of Hanti Martyrs Shrine of Hanti Martyrs Locate
한티 순교 성지
41Jicheon-myeon 지천면, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Shrine of Sinnamugol Martyrs Shrine of Sinnamugol Martyrs Locate
신나무골 순교 성지
42Naksan-ri 낙산리, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Gasil Church Gasil Church Locate
가실 성당
43Pohang 포항시, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Jukdo Church Jukdo Church Locate
죽도 성당
44Sannae-myeon 산내면, Gyeongsangbuk-do 경상북도Shrine of Jinmokjeong Martyrs Shrine of Jinmokjeong Martyrs Locate
진목정 성지 순교자 기념 성당
Archdiocese of Gwangju 광주대교구
45Gokseong-eup 곡성읍, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Gokseong Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary Gokseong Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
곡성 성당
46Gwangju 광주시, Gwangju-gwangyeoksi 광주광역시Imdong Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Imdong Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
임동 주교좌 성당
47Gwangju 광주시, Gwangju-gwangyeoksi 광주광역시Bukdong Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Bukdong Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
북동 공동주교좌성당
48Haenum 해남, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Haenum Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Haenum Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Locate
해남 성당
49Mokpo 목포시, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Sanjeongdong Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Sanjeongdong Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Locate
산정동 성당
50Naju 나주시, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Naju Muhakdang Martyrdom Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary Naju Muhakdang Martyrdom Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
나주 성당
51Sorok-ri 소록리, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Sorokdo Church of Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted Sorokdo Church of Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted Locate
소록도 성당
52Suncheon 순천시, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Jeojeondong Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Jeojeondong Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Locate
저전동 성당
53Yeonggwang 영광군, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Shrine of Yeonggwang Martyrs Shrine of Yeonggwang Martyrs Locate
영광 성당
54Yeosu 여수시, Jeollanam-do 전라남도Dongsandong Church of the Queen of Peace Dongsandong Church of the Queen of Peace Locate
동산동 성당
Diocese of Incheon 인천교구
55Ganghwa 강화군, Incheon-gwangyeoksi 인천광역시Hyeonyang Garden of Ten Thousand Martyrs Hyeonyang Garden of Ten Thousand Martyrs Locate
Ilmanwi Martyrs Memorial Park
천주교 일만위 순교자 현양 동산
일만위 순교자 현양동산
56Gapgot-ri 갑곳리, Incheon-gwangyeoksi 인천광역시Gapgot Martyrdom Shrine Gapgot Martyrdom Shrine Locate
갑곶 순교 성지
57Gimpo 김포시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도New Gimpo Church New Gimpo Church Locate
58Incheon 인천시, Incheon-gwangyeoksi 인천광역시Dapdong Cathedral of St. Paul Dapdong Cathedral of St. Paul Locate
답동 주교좌 성당
59Incheon 인천시, Incheon-gwangyeoksi 인천광역시Haean Church Haean Church Locate
해안 성당
Diocese of Jeonju 제주교구
60Jeonju 전주시, Jeollabuk-do 전라북도Joongang Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Joongang Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
전주 중앙 주교좌 성당
61Jeonju 전주시, Jeollabuk-do 전라북도Jeondong Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Jeondong Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
62Naewol-ri 내월리, Jeollabuk-do 전라북도Cheonho Martyrdom Shrine Cheonho Martyrdom Shrine Locate
천호 순교 성지
Diocese of Jeju 전주교구
63Daeseo-ri 대서리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Chuja Mausoleum Chuja Mausoleum Locate
황경한 묘소 (추자 공소)
64Dongil-ri 동일리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Daejeong Shrine Daejeong Shrine Locate
대정성지 (정난주 마리아 묘)
65Geumak-ri 금악리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Convent of St. Clare Convent of St. Clare Locate
66Geumak-ri 금악리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Church of St. Isidore Church of St. Isidore Locate
성 이시도로
새미은총의동산 (이시돌목장)
67Hamdok-ri 함덕리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Martyrdom Shrine of St. Kim Gi-ryang Martyrdom Shrine of St. Kim Gi-ryang Locate
김기량 펠릭스 순교현양비
68Jeju 제주시, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Jungang Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Jungang Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Locate
69Jeju 제주시, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Hwangsapyeong Park Cemetery Hwangsapyeong Park Cemetery Locate
천주교 황사평 공원묘지
70Jeju 제주시, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Shrine 관덕정 Locate
71Jeju 제주시, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Shrine 4.3 평화공원 Locate
72Jocheon-ri 조천리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Church of St. John the Baptist Church of St. John the Baptist Locate
성 세례자 요한
73Seogwipo 서귀포시, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Church of St. Patrick Church of St. Patrick Locate
성 파트리치오
74Yongsu-ri 용수리, Jeju-teukbyeoljachido 제주특별자치도Jeju Landing Memorial Hall Jeju Landing Memorial Hall Locate
성 김대건 신부 제주 표착 기념관
Diocese of Masan 마산교구
75Ballim-dong 반림동, Gyeongsangnam-do 경상남도Masan Bansong Church Masan Bansong Church Locate
마산 반송 성당
76Changwon 창원시, Gyeongsangnam-do 경상남도Yangdok-dong Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Yangdok-dong Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Locate
77Gohyeon-dong 고현동, Gyeongsangnam-do 경상남도Gohyeon Church Gohyeon Church Locate
고현 성당
78Jinju 진주시, Gyeongsangnam-do 경상남도Sinan Church Sinan Church Locate
신안 성당
Archdiocese of Seoul 서울대교구
79Seoul 서울시, Seoul-teukbyeolsi 서울특별시Myeong-dong Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Myeong-dong Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Locate
명동 주교좌 성당
80Seoul 서울시, Seoul-teukbyeolsi 서울특별시Joeldusan International Shrine of Korean Martyrs Joeldusan International Shrine of Korean Martyrs Locate
절두산 순교 성지
81Seoul 서울시, Seoul-teukbyeolsi 서울특별시Shrine of Saenamteo Martyrs Shrine of Saenamteo Martyrs Locate
82Seoul 서울시, Seoul-teukbyeolsi 서울특별시Yakhyeon Church of St. Joseph Yakhyeon Church of St. Joseph Locate
Shrine of Seosomun
Diocese of Suwon 수원교구
83Ansan 안산시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Daehagdong Church of St. Paul Ha-sang Daehagdong Church of St. Paul Ha-sang Locate
대학동 성당
84Anseong 안성시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Shrine of Mirinae Shrine of Mirinae Locate
85Anyang 안양시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Cheonjugyo Church of the Immaculate Virgin Mary Cheonjugyo Church of the Immaculate Virgin Mary Locate
천주교 중앙성당
86Anyang 안양시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Surisan Martyrdom Shrine Surisan Martyrdom Shrine Locate
수리산 순교 성지
87Gwangju 광주시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Cheonjinam Shrine Cheonjinam Shrine Locate
천진암 성지
88Hanam 하남시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Gusan Martyrs Shrine Gusan Martyrs Shrine Locate
구산 순교 성지
89Hwaseong 화성시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Namyang Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary Namyang Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary Locate
천주교 남양 성모 성지
90Hwaseong 화성시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Yodangli Martyrdom Shrine Yodangli Martyrdom Shrine Locate
요당리 순교 성지
91Icheon 이천시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Dannae Shrine of the Holy Family Dannae Shrine of the Holy Family Locate
단내 성가정 성지
92Icheon 이천시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Eonong Shrine of St. Paulus Yun Yu-il and Companions Eonong Shrine of St. Paulus Yun Yu-il and Companions Locate
어농 성지
93Juknim 죽림리, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Juksan Shrine Juksan Shrine Locate
죽산 성지
94Pyeongtaek 평택시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Pyeongtaeg Church of Our Lady of the Assumption Pyeongtaeg Church of Our Lady of the Assumption Locate
평택 성당
95Sanseong 산성리, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Namhansanseong Martyrdom Shrine Namhansanseong Martyrdom Shrine Locate
남한산성 순교 성지
96Seongnam 성남시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Bundang Church of St. John Bundang Church of St. John Locate
분당 성요한 성당
97Suwon 수원시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Jeongjadong Cathedral of the Holy Martyrs of Korea Jeongjadong Cathedral of the Holy Martyrs of Korea Locate
정자동 주교좌성당
98Suwon 수원시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Jowondong Co-Cathedral of the Queen of Peace Jowondong Co-Cathedral of the Queen of Peace Locate
조원동 공동주교좌성당
99Suwon 수원시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Suwon Hwasun Martyrs Shrine Suwon Hwasun Martyrs Shrine Locate
Buksudong Church
수원 화성순교 성지
북수동 성당
100Suwon 수원시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Gwonseondong Church of Our Lady of the Asssumption Gwonseondong Church of Our Lady of the Asssumption Locate
권선동 성당
101Uiwang 의왕시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Hauhyeon Church of St. Teresa of Jesus Hauhyeon Church of St. Teresa of Jesus Locate
하우현 성당
102Yangpyeong 양평읍, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Yanggeun Martyrdom Shrine Yanggeun Martyrdom Shrine Locate
양근 순교 성지
103Yongin 용인시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Yangji Church of St. Andrew Kim Daegon Yangji Church of St. Andrew Kim Daegon Locate
양지 성당
104Yongin 용인시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Euni and Golbaemasil Shrine Euni and Golbaemasil Shrine Locate
은이·골배마실 성지
105Yongin 용인시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Songol Shrine Songol Shrine Locate
손골 성지
Diocese of Uijeongbu 의정부교구
106Goyang 고양시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Haengju Church Haengju Church Locate
행주 성당
107Namyangju 남양주시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Majae Martyrdom Shrine Majae Martyrdom Shrine Locate
마재 순교 성지
108Paju 파주시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Church of Repentance and Atonement Church of Repentance and Atonement Locate
참회와 속죄의 성당
109Uijeongbu 의정부시, Gyeonggi-do 경기도Uijeongbu Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Mary Uijeongbu Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Mary Locate
Diocese of Wonju 원주교구
110Guhak-ri 구학리, Gangwon-do 강원도Baelon Shrine Baelon Shrine Locate
배론 성지
111Samcheok 삼척시, Gangwon-do 강원도Seongnaedong Church Seongnaedong Church Locate
성내동 성당
112Wonju 원주시, Gangwon-do 강원도Wondong Cathedral of Our Lady of Grace Wondong Cathedral of Our Lady of Grace Locate
원동 주교좌성당
113Yongam-ri 중월리, Gangwon-do 강원도Yongsomag Church Yongsomag Church Locate
용소막 성당
114Yuhyeon-ri 장지리, Gangwon-do 강원도Pungsuwon Church Pungsuwon Church Locate
풍수원 성당
Military Ordinariate 군종교구
115Seoul 서울시, Seoul-teukbyeolsi 서울특별시Armed Forces Central Cathedral Armed Forces Central Cathedral Locate
Waegogae Shrine

See Also

Cathedrals in South Korea

Dioceses in South Korea

Holy Year in South Korea

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