Jubilee Shrines in Gurk (2016)

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

Heilige Pforten in Gurk zum Heiligen Jahr der Barmherzigkeit

Churches with Doors of Mercy
1AustriaKlagenfurt, KärntenDom Sankt Peter und Paul Dom Sankt Peter und Paul Locate
Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul
(Holy Door opened 2015.12.13)
2AustriaVillach, KärntenPfarrkirche St. Nikolai Pfarrkirche St. Nikolai Locate
Church of St. Nicholas
(Holy Door opened 2015.12.18)
3AustriaBleiburg, KärntenKirche St. Peter und Paul Kirche St. Peter und Paul Locate
Wallfahrtskirche Heiligengrab
Church of Sts. Peter and Paul
(Holy Door opened 2016.02.12)
4AustriaGurk, KärntenDom Maria Himmelfahrt Dom Maria Himmelfahrt Locate
Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary
(Holy Door opened 2016.04.03)
5AustriaSankt Andrä im Lavanttal, KärntenBasilika Maria Loreto Basilika Maria Loreto Locate
Basilica of Our Lady of Loreto
(Holy Door opened 2016.05.01)

See Also

Diocese of Gurk

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