Jubilee Shrines in Atlanta

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy

Churches with Doors of Mercy
1USAAtlanta, GeorgiaCathedral of Christ the King Cathedral of Christ the King Locate
(Holy Door opened 2015.12.08 12:10 by Archbishop Wilton Gregory)
2USALilburn, GeorgiaChurch of Our Lady of the Americas Church of Our Lady of the Americas Locate
(Holy Door opened 2015.12.12 19:00 by Bishop Luis Zarama)
3USAAtlanta, GeorgiaShrine of the Immaculate Conception Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Locate
(Holy Door opened 2016.01.01 11:00 by Bishop Luis Zarama)
4USAJonesboro, GeorgiaChurch of St. Philip Benizi Church of St. Philip Benizi Locate
(Holy Door opened 2016.01.25 12:00 by Archbishop Wilton Gregory)
5USAConyers, GeorgiaOur Lady of the Holy Spirit Abbey Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Abbey Locate
(Holy Door opened 2016.02.02 16:00 by Archbishop Wilton Gregory)
6USAAtlanta, GeorgiaBasilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Locate
(Holy Door opened 2016.02.02 12:10 by Bishop Luis Zarama)
7USANorcross, GeorgiaChurch of the Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Church of the Holy Vietnamese Martyrs Locate
(Holy Door opened 2016.02.22 19:00 by Archbishop Wilton Gregory)

See Also

Archdiocese of Atlanta

Churches in Atlanta

Holy Year in the Archdiocese

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