Former Religious Orders

AcronymAscendingReligious OrderType
B.G.S.Little Brothers of the Good ShepherdLay Religious Congregation
C.C.R.Congregation of Rural CatechistsClerical Religious Congregation
C.M.V.Congregation of the Mechitarists of ViennaMonastic Order
C.R.S.Ant.Canons Regular of Saint Anthony of Vienne (Antonines)Order of Canons Regular
C.R.S.J.Canons Regular of Saint John Baptist of LyonsOrder of Canons Regular
C.R.S.J.E.Secular Canons of Saint John the EvangelistOrder of Canons Regular
C.R.S.M.C.Canons Regular of Saint Mary of CrescenzagoOrder of Canons Regular
C.R.S.S.B.Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Most Holy Saviour at BolognaOrder of Canons Regular
C.S.H.Apostolic Clerics of Saint Jerome (Jesuates)Clerical Religious Congregation
C.b.P.Order of the Poor Hermits of Saint JeromeMonastic Order
F.M.D.D.Sons of Our Lady of Sorrows (Dolorists)Lay Religious Congregation
F.S.C.J. / F.S.C.I.Sons of the Sacred Heart of JesusClerical Religious Congregation
F.S.M.I.Brothers Servants of Mary ImmaculateLay Religious Congregation
M.F.S.C.Missionaries of the Sons of the Sacred Heart of JesusClerical Religious Congregation
O.F.M. Disc. / O.F.M. Alc.Order of Discalced Friars Minor (Alcantarines, Discalced Franciscans)Mendicant Order
O.F.M. Rec.Order of Friars Minor Recollect (Récollets)Mendicant Order
O.F.M. Ref.Order of Reformed Friars MinorMendicant Order
O.H.S.S.Hospitallers of the Holy SpiritOrder of Canons Regular
O.Hum.Order of the HumiliatiMendicant Order
O.S.B.Benedictine Congregation of Portugal and BrazilMonastic Order
O.S.B.Dutch Benedictine CongregationMonastic Order
O.S.B. Cas.Cassinese Benedictine CongregationMonastic Order
O.S.B. Cel.Benedictine Congregation of the CelestinesMonastic Order
O.S.B. Clun.Benedictine Congregation of ClunyMonastic Order
O.S.Col.Order of Saint ColumbanusMonastic Order
S.S.P.X.Society of Saint Pius XSociety of Apostolic Life

See Also

Religious Orders for Men

Religious Orders for Women

Military Orders

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