Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi at the Pantheon

Pontifical Academy

Also known as: Pontificia Insigne Accademia di Belle Arti e Letteratura dei Virtuosi al Pantheon (Italiano) / Päpstliche Akademie der schönen Künste und der Literatur (Deutsch) / Académie pontificale des beaux-arts et des lettres des virtuoses au Panthéon (français) / Academia Pontifícia de Belas Artes e Literatura Virtuosa do Panteão (polski)

Address: Palazzo della Cancelleria, Piazza della Cancelleria, 1, 00186 Roma, Italy


Associated with: Pontifical Council for Culture



Documents: Documents (x 2)

Present Officials

President (2016.12.06 – ...):ItalyProf. Pio Baldi (79)

Past Officials

President:ItalyProf. Vitaliano Tiberia (1995 – 2016.12.06)
President:Dr. Armando Schiavo (1985 – 1994)
President:Dr. Bruno Molajoli (1978 – 1985)
President:Mr. Vincenzo Passarelli (1974? – 1978)

Last updated on 2025.02.25

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