Former Apostolic Prefecture of

Rhodes and adjacent islands

Greece Greece

Continent: East Europe

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Apostolic Prefecture Apostolic Prefecture

Name: Rhodes and adjacent islands (English) / Rodi ed Isole adiacenti (Italiano) / Rhodien(sis) et ins. (Latin)



Past Ordinaries

Prefects Apostolic of Rhodes and adjacent islands (Roman Rite)

Fr. Florido Ambrogio Acciari, O.F.M. (later Archbishop)
(? – 1928.03.28)

Born:1880.11.18 (Greece)
Ordained Priest:1904.08.10
Consecrated Bishop:1938.06.05
Died:1970.03.10 († 89)

Prefect Apostolic of Rhodes and adjacent islands (Greece) (? – 1928.03.28)

Apostolic Administrator of Rhodes (Greece) (1928.03.28 – 1929)

Archbishop of Rhodes (Greece) (1938.03.30 – 1970.03.10)

Fr. Bonaventura Rossetti, O.F.M.
(? – ?)

Prefect Apostolic of Tripoli (Libya) (1907.08 – ?)

Prefect Apostolic of Rhodes and adjacent islands (Greece) (? – ?)

Fr. Ignace Beaufays, O.F.M.
(1911.03.27 – ?)

Prefect Apostolic of Rhodes and adjacent islands (Greece) (1911.03.27 – ?)

Fr. Andrea Felice da Ienne, O.F.M.
(1897.08.31 – 1910)


Prefect Apostolic of Rhodes and adjacent islands (Greece) (1897.08.31 – 1910)

Last updated on 2025.01.27

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