Syro-Malabar Diocese of

Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago


Continent: North America

Rite: Syro-Malabar

Type: Diocese Diocese

Name: Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago / Sancti Thomæ Apostoli Chicagien(sis) Syrorum-Malabarensium (Latin)

Subject to the Major Archbishop

Depends on: Dicastery for the Eastern Churches



Patron Saint: Saint Thomas


Contact Info

Address: 372 S Prairie Ave., Elmhurst, IL 60126-4020, USA

Phone: +1 (630) 279-1383

Present Prelates

Bishop (2022.07.03 – ...):Bishop Joy Alappat (68)Bishop Joy Alappat (68)


Bishops of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago (Syro-Malabar Rite)

Bishop Joy Alappat (68)Bishop Joy Alappat (68)
(2022.07.03 – ...)

Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago of the Syro-Malabars (USA)

Joyfully for your souls

Born:1956.09.27 (Parappukara, India)
Ordained Priest:1981.12.31
Consecrated Bishop:2014.09.27

Priest of Irinjalakuda of the Syro-Malabars (India) (1981.12.31 – 2014.07.24)

Titular Bishop of Bencenna (2014.07.24 – 2022.07.03)

Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago of the Syro-Malabars (USA) (2014.07.24 – 2022.07.03)

Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago of the Syro-Malabars (USA) (2022.07.03 – ...)

Bishop Jacob Angadiath (79)Bishop Jacob Angadiath (79)
(2001.02.16 – 2022.07.03)

Bishop emeritus of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago of the Syro-Malabars (USA)

To love, to serve

Born:1945.09.26 (Periappuram, India)
Ordained Priest:1972.01.05
Consecrated Bishop:2001.07.01

Priest of Palai of the Syro-Malabars (India) (1972.01.05 – 2001.02.16)

Apostolic Visitator in Canada of the Syro-Malabars (2001.02.16 – 2015.08.06)

Bishop of Saint Thomas the Apostle of Chicago of the Syro-Malabars (USA) (2001.02.16 – 2022.07.03)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (53)

Mississauga (↑)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Population: 87,000 Catholics

Pastoral Centres: 84 parishes, 1 mission

Personnel: 84 priests (60 diocesan, 24 religious), 202 religious (31 brothers, 171 sisters), 8 seminarians


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.03.17

© 2025
