Apostolic Vicariate of

San Andrés y Providencia

Colombia Colombia

Continent: Central America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate

Name: San Andrés y Providencia / Sancti Andreæ et Providentiæ (Latin)

Immediately subject to the Holy See

Depends on: Dicastery for Evangelisation


Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Present Prelates

Vicar Apostolic (2016.04.16 – ...):Bishop Jaime Uriel Sanabria Arias (54)Bishop Jaime Uriel Sanabria Arias (54)

Titular Bishop of Burca


Vicars Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Roman Rite)

Bishop Jaime Uriel Sanabria Arias (54)Bishop Jaime Uriel Sanabria Arias (54)
(2016.04.16 – ...)

Vicar Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia)
Titular Bishop of Burca

Born:1970.04.17 (Ciénaga-Boyacá, Colombia)
Ordained Priest:1994.11.19
Consecrated Bishop:2016.05.22

Priest of Tunja (Colombia) (1994.11.19 – 2016.04.16)

Titular Bishop of Burca (2016.04.16 – ...)

Vicar Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (2016.04.16 – ...)

Bishop Eulises González Sánchez (86)Bishop Eulises González Sánchez (86)
(2000.12.05 – 2016.04.16)

Titular Bishop of Tatilti
Vicar Apostolic emeritus of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia)

Born:1938.10.26 (Tinjacá, Colombia)
Ordained Priest:1968.08.22
Consecrated Bishop:2001.03.10

Priest of Girardot (Colombia) (1968.08.22 – 2000.12.05)

Vicar Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (2000.12.05 – 2016.04.16)

Titular Bishop of Tatilti (2000.12.05 – ...)

Prefects Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Roman Rite)

Fr. Antonio Ferrándiz Morales, O.F.M. Cap.
(1972.03.24 – 1998.11.10)

Born:1928.05.22 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1956.06.29
Died:1998.11.10 († 70)

Prefect Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (1972.03.24 – 1998.11.10)

Fr. Alfonso Robledo de Manizales, O.F.M. Cap.
(1966.01.11 – 1972)


Prefect Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (1966.01.11 – 1972)

Fr. Gaspar de Orihuela, O.F.M. Cap.
(1953.01.09 – 1966)


Prefect Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (1953.01.09 – 1966)

Fr. Eugenio da Carcagente, O.F.M. Cap.
(1946.11.14 – 1952)


Ecclesiastical Superior of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (1926.07.23 – 1946.11.14)

Prefect Apostolic of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (1946.11.14 – 1952)

Ecclesiastical Superiors of San Andrés y Providencia (Roman Rite)

Fr. Eugenio da Carcagente, O.F.M. Cap.
(1926.07.23 – 1946.11.14)

(see above)

Fr. Riccardo Turner, M.H.M.
(1912 – 1926)


Ecclesiastical Superior of San Andrés y Providencia (Colombia) (1912 – 1926)

Special Churches

Bluefields (←)

Statistics (2020.12.31)

Area: 52 km²

Population: 36,800 Catholics (53.0% of 69,400 total)

Pastoral Centres: 12 parishes, 5 missions

Personnel: 8 priests (6 diocesan, 2 religious), 5 deacons, 13 religious (4 brothers, 9 sisters), 1 seminarian


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.01.27

© 2025 GCatholic.org
