Apostolic Vicariate of


Chad Chad

Continent: Eastern and Central Africa

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate

Name: Mongo / Mongen(sis) (Latin)

Immediately subject to the Holy See

Depends on: Dicastery for Evangelisation


Liturgical Calendar (Universal) 📅


Present Prelates

Vicar Apostolic (2020.12.14 – ...):Bishop Philippe Abbo Chen, N.D.V. (62)Bishop Philippe Abbo Chen, N.D.V. (62)


Vicars Apostolic of Mongo (Roman Rite)

Bishop Philippe Abbo Chen, N.D.V. (62)Bishop Philippe Abbo Chen, N.D.V. (62)
(2020.12.14 – ...)

Vicar Apostolic of Mongo (Chad)

Born:1962.05.10 (Dadouar, Chad)
Ordained Priest:1997.05.17
Consecrated Bishop:2021.02.27

Vicar Apostolic of Mongo (Chad) (2020.12.14 – ...)

Bishop Henri Coudray, S.J. (82)Bishop Henri Coudray, S.J. (82)
(2009.06.03 – 2020.12.14)

Titular Bishop of Silli
Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Mongo (Chad)

DĂ©sir de la sagesse de la foi

Born:1942.06.22 (Pont-de-Beauvoisin, France)
Ordained Priest:1973.06.30
Consecrated Bishop:2009.11.29

Prefect Apostolic of Mongo (Chad) (2001.12.01 – 2009.06.03)

Vicar Apostolic of Mongo (Chad) (2009.06.03 – 2020.12.14)

Titular Bishop of Silli (2009.06.03 – ...)

Prefects Apostolic of Mongo (Roman Rite)

Bishop Henri Coudray, S.J. (82)Fr. Henri Coudray, S.J. (82) (later Bishop)
(2001.12.01 – 2009.06.03)

(see above)

Special Churches

N’DjamĂ©na (←), Benghazi (↑), El Obeid (→), Bambari (↘), Kaga-Bandoro (↘), Sarh (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 540,000 kmÂČ

Population: 10,400 Catholics (0.3% of 3,856,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 6 parishes, 1 mission

Personnel: 14 priests (4 diocesan, 10 religious), 21 religious (13 brothers, 8 sisters), 5 seminarians


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.03.17

© 2025 GCatholic.org
