Metropolitan Archdiocese of


Poland Poland

Continent: East Europe

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Metropolitan Archdiocese Metr. Archdiocese

Name: Gdańsk (polski) / Danzica (Italiano) / Gedanen(sis) (Latin)

Suffragan Sees: Pelplin, Toruń

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Saint Adalbert (April 23)

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: August 14

Liturgical Calendar 📅


Papal Visits

Present Prelates

Metropolitan Archbishop (2021.03.02 – ...):Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, S.A.C. (68)Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, S.A.C. (68)

President of Episcopal Conference of Poland

Auxiliary Bishop (2013.12.21 – ...):Bishop Wiesław Szlachetka (65)Bishop Wiesław Szlachetka (65)

Titular Bishop of Vageata

Auxiliary Bishop (2022.07.06 – ...):Bishop Piotr Przyborek (48)Bishop Piotr Przyborek (48)

Titular Bishop of Musti in Numidia


Metropolitan Archbishops of Gdańsk (Roman Rite)

Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, S.A.C. (68)Archbishop Tadeusz Wojda, S.A.C. (68)
(2021.03.02 – ...)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Gdańsk (Poland)
President of Episcopal Conference of Poland

Oportet prædicari evangelium

Born:1957.01.29 (Kowala, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1983.05.08
Consecrated Bishop:2017.06.10

Undersecretary of Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples (2012.07.24 – 2017.04.12)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Białystok (Poland) (2017.04.12 – 2021.03.02)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (2021.03.02 – ...)

President of Episcopal Conference of Poland (2024.03.14 – ...)

Bishop Jacek Jezierski (75)Bishop Jacek Jezierski (75)
(Apostolic Administrator 2020.08.13 – 2021.03.02)

Archbishop Sławoj Leszek Głódź (79)Archbishop Sławoj Leszek Głódź (79)
(2008.04.17 – 2020.08.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Gdańsk (Poland)

Milito pro Christo

Born:1945.08.13 (Bobrówka, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1970.06.14
Consecrated Bishop:1991.02.23

Priest of Białystok (Poland) (1970.06.14 – 1991.01.21)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1984 – 1991.01.21)

Titular Bishop of Bettona (1991.01.21 – 1998.03.07)

Military Ordinary of Poland (Poland) (1991.01.21 – 2004.08.26)

Archbishop ad personam (2004.07.17 – 2004.08.26)

Archbishop-Bishop of Warszawa-Praga (Poland) (2004.08.26 – 2008.04.17)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (2008.04.17 – 2020.08.13)

Archbishop Tadeusz Gocłowski, C.M.
(1992.03.25 – 2008.04.17)

Credite Evangelio

Born:1931.09.16 (Piski, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1956.06.26
Consecrated Bishop:1983.04.17
Died:2016.05.03 († 84)

Titular Bishop of Beneventum (1983.03.22 – 1984.12.31)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1983.03.22 – 1984.12.31)

Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1984.12.31 – 1992.03.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1992.03.25 – 2008.04.17)

Bishops of Gdańsk (Roman Rite)

Bishop Tadeusz Gocłowski, C.M. (later Archbishop)
(1984.12.31 – 1992.03.25)

(see above)

Bishop Lech Kaczmarek
(1971.12.01 – 1984.07.31)

Cooperatores simus veritatis

Born:1909.09.23 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1936.09.27
Consecrated Bishop:1959.01.18
Died:1984.07.31 († 74)

Titular Bishop of Alia (1958.11.16 – 1971.12.01)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1958.11.16 – 1971.12.01)

Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1971.12.01 – 1984.07.31)

Bishop Edmund Nowicki
(1964.03.07 – 1971.03.10)

Finis legis Christus

Born:1900.09.13 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1924.03.15
Consecrated Bishop:1954.09.21
Died:1971.03.10 († 70)

Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Piła (Poland) (1945.08.15 – 1951.04.26)

Titular Bishop of Hadriane (1951.04.26 – 1956.12.01)

Coadjutor Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1951.04.26 – 1964.03.07)

Titular Bishop of Thugga (1956.12.01 – 1964.03.07)

Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1964.03.07 – 1971.03.10)

Bishop Carlo Maria Splett
(1938.06.13 – 1964.03.05)

In Trinitate robur

Born:1898.01.17 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1921.07.10
Consecrated Bishop:1938.08.24
Died:1964.03.05 († 66)

Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1938.06.13 – 1964.03.05)

Apostolic Administrator of Chełmno (Poland) (1940.12.05 – 1946.03.04)

Bishop Eduard Graf O’Rourke
(1925.12.30 – 1938.06.13)

Serviendo goberno

Born:1876.10.26 (Belarus)
Ordained Priest:1907.10.27
Consecrated Bishop:1918.12.15
Died:1943.06.27 († 66)

Bishop of Riga (Latvia) (1918.09.29 – 1920.04.10)

Titular Bishop of Canea (1920.04.10 – 1922.04.21)

Apostolic Administrator of Gdańsk (Poland) (1922.04.21 – 1925.12.30)

Titular Bishop of Pergamum (1922.12.21 – 1925.12.30)

Bishop of Gdańsk (Poland) (1925.12.30 – 1938.06.13)

Titular Bishop of Sophene (1938.06.13 – 1943.06.27)

Apostolic Administrators of Gdańsk (Roman Rite)

Bishop Eduard Graf O’Rourke
(1922.04.21 – 1925.12.30)

(see above)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (207)

Elbląg (↘), Pelplin (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 2,500 km²

Population: 902,280 Catholics (84.9% of 1,062,276 total)

Pastoral Centres: 201 parishes

Personnel: 704 priests (529 diocesan, 175 religious), 634 religious (226 brothers, 408 sisters), 28 seminarians


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.03.25

© 2025
