Apostolic Vicariate of


Chile Chile

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate

Name: Aysén (español) / Aysenen(sis) (Latin)

Ecclesiastical Province: Puerto Montt

Depends on: Dicastery for Evangelisation



Patron Saint: Inmaculada Concepción (December 8)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Contact Info

Address: Riquelme 438, Aysén, Chile

Phone: 67-212300

Present Prelates

Vicar Apostolic (1999.08.30 – ...):Bishop Luis Infanti della Mora, O.S.M. (70)Bishop Luis Infanti della Mora, O.S.M. (70)

Titular Bishop of Cartennæ


Vicars Apostolic of Aysén (Roman Rite)

Bishop Luis Infanti della Mora, O.S.M. (70)Bishop Luis Infanti della Mora, O.S.M. (70)
(1999.08.30 – ...)

Vicar Apostolic of Aysén (Chile)
Titular Bishop of Cartennæ

A Jesús por María

Born:1954.08.05 (Campomolle di Teor, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1990.08.05
Consecrated Bishop:1999.12.05

Titular Bishop of Cartennæ (1999.08.30 – ...)

Vicar Apostolic of Aysén (Chile) (1999.08.30 – ...)

Bishop Aldo Maria Lazzarín Stella, O.S.M.
(1989.05.15 – 1998.01.19)

Respice stellam

Born:1926.12.13 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1950.04.08
Consecrated Bishop:1989.08.13
Died:2010.10.16 († 83)

Vicar Apostolic of Aysén (Chile) (1989.05.15 – 1998.01.19)

Titular Bishop of Tigisi in Numidia (1989.05.15 – 2010.10.16)

Bishop Savino Bernardo Maria Cazzaro Bertollo, O.S.M. (later Archbishop)
(1963.12.10 – 1988.02.08)

Born:1924.11.28 (Abbazia Pisani, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1949.04.16
Consecrated Bishop:1964.02.13
Died:2017.08.13 (Vicenza, Italy † 92)

Titular Bishop of Pyrgos (1963.12.10 – 1988.02.08)

Vicar Apostolic of Aysén (Chile) (1963.12.10 – 1988.02.08)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Puerto Montt (Chile) (1988.02.08 – 2001.02.27)

Bishop Cesar Gerardo Vielmo Guerra, O.S.M.
(1959.12.19 – 1963.06.16)

Born:1914.01.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1937.08.22
Consecrated Bishop:1960.02.07
Died:1963.06.16 († 49)

Titular Bishop of Ariassus (1959.12.19 – 1963.06.16)

Vicar Apostolic of Aysén (Chile) (1959.12.19 – 1963.06.16)

Bishop Antonio María Michelato Danese, O.S.M.
(1955.05.08 – 1958.09)

Born:1909.02.05 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1932.07.24
Consecrated Bishop:1955.07.03
Died:1968.06.09 († 59)

Prefect Apostolic of Aysén (Chile) (1940.04.05 – 1955.05.08)

Vicar Apostolic of Aysén (Chile) (1955.05.08 – 1958.09)

Titular Bishop of Archelaïs (1955.05.08 – 1968.06.09)

Prefects Apostolic of Aysén (Roman Rite)

Fr. Antonio María Michelato Danese, O.S.M. (later Bishop)
(1940.04.05 – 1955.05.08)

(see above)

Special Churches

Churches by City (7)

San Carlos de Ancud (↑), Esquel (↗), Comodoro Rivadavia (→), Río Gallegos (↘), Punta Arenas (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 109,865 km²

Population: 71,340 Catholics (66.7% of 107,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 6 parishes, 40 missions

Personnel: 9 priests (2 diocesan, 7 religious), 7 deacons, 25 religious (7 brothers, 18 sisters)


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.03.06

© 2025 GCatholic.org
